Dates: 22-23 October 2022
Format: on-site, at LIVES 2022 Paris
Max number of participants: 100
Course Directors:
Michelle CHEW MD, PhD, Professor Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, Linköping University Hospital, Linköping, Sweden
Xavier MONNET MD, PhD, Professor of Intensive Care, Medical Intensive Care Unit, Bicêtre Hospital, Paris-Saclay University Hospitals, Paris, France; Chair Cardiovascular Dynamics Section, ESICM
This course provides participants with a solid view of the field of cardiovascular physiology and haemodynamic monitoring in the ICU. Its core feature is a high level of interaction through interactive lectures, case-based discussions and reflective learning exercises.
Complement this course with the homonymous practical workshops that you can book separately during the congress.
The Haemodynamics, Paris, France, 22/10/2022-23/10/2022 has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 9 European CME credits(ECMEC®s).
- Build upon your knowledge of cardiovascular haemodynamics and your personal experience at the bedside through interactive and white board lectures, workshops and video case analysis
- Share knowledge with experts & peers and debate cases with common pathologies such as sepsis, post-operative haemodynamic instability, left- and right heart failure, trauma, pulmonary embolism
- Get an overview of current haemodynamic treatments and monitoring technologies
- Understand Frank Starling and Guyton physiology at the bedside
- Filling Pressures: CVP and PAOP
- Arterial Blood Pressure monitoring: non-invasive, invasive and pulse pressure analysis
- Cardiac output monitoring: PAC and less invasive devices. Using CO monitors to improve tissue perfusion
- Recognise shock and use of perfusion markers: lactate, SvO2, ScvO2, PCO2v-a difference
- Heart-lung interaction and dynamic indices of preload
- Interventricular dependence
- How to interpret arterial pressure, SvO2/ScvO2, PCO2 gap, PCO2gap/CavO2, lactate
- Which place for less invasive devices of haemodynamic monitoring?
- The use of transpulmonary thermodilution in practice
- Which device for which patient?
- Septic shock
- Fluid management and the risk of fluid overload
- Assessment of preload responsiveness – Why? When? How?
- How to administer a fluid bolus?
- Heart-lung interactions and their clinical applications
- Which vasopressor? Which inotrope?
- Cardiogenic shock
This course programme is particularly suitable for trainees in their first years of training in intensive care medicine or specialists that want to refresh their knowledge on these topics.