ICMx Journal

ICMx Journal

Last updated : 01/10/2024 - 987 views

Created in 2013, the Intensive Care Medicine Experimental (ICMx) is the second official journal of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine and is dedicated to experimental and pre-clinical research in intensive care medicine. The journal is steadily growing in terms of submissions and the number of citations. ICMx is an online open-access journal. The geographical spread of submissions is very broad and includes Europe, Japan, Australia, Canada and the US.

Article Submission

As an open-access journal, ICMx guarantees rapid and widespread dissemination of research and, operating under the SpringerOpen stable, ensures quality processing and publicising of manuscripts. Open access does require an Article Processing Charge; however, ESICM members are entitled to a 25% discount. Additionally, many institutions have an arrangement with Springer to fully or partially subsidise the cost. At the same time, waivers can be applied to those in many developing world countries or for those who demonstrate financial hardship. While acceptance to our journal is not guaranteed, you can ensure that your submission has the best possible chance for success by carefully reviewing and adhering to the ICMx instructions for authors.

Hear from the Editor-in-Chief

Dr Nicole Juffermans, Professor of Translational Intensive Care Medicine at Erasmus University of Rotterdam (The Netherlands), was appointed the new Editor-in-Chief of the Society’s journal Intensive Care Medicine Experimental in 2020.