

Last updated : 09/01/2025 - 553 views


Surveys are an indispensable tool for assessing the impact of clinical research on patients and medical professionals alike. ESICM endorsement is a guarantee of quality survey design and rigorous methodology. Do you have a survey you would like ESICM to endorse? For researchers seeking ESICM survey endorsement or co-endorsement, please prepare the following documents for submission: Tools and questionnaires for applicants ESICM Survey Application Form.

Learn more about the completed surveys here.

For any questions, please contact research [ @ ]

Clinical practice in using adjunctive sepsis therapies at the bedside among European ICUs

The survey aims to capture the current state of clinical practices in employing adjuvant sepsis therapeutics among intensivists worldwide. Additionally, it seeks to analyze variations based on country-specific and healthcare structural differences.

This initiative is led by the ESICM SIS Section (Systemic Inflammation & Sepsis) to advance understanding and improve global sepsis care.

Steering Committee: Sascha David, Lene Russell, Srdjan Gavrilovic, Roberta Domizi, Elisa Damiani, Benjamin Chousterman, Massimo Girardis, Marc Leone

Contact: Sascha David, University Hospital Zurich, Institute of Intensive Care Medicine, Zurich, Switzerland, Sascha.david [ @ ]


We call on all  ESICM members and non-members to complete this open web-based anonymized survey on clinical practice and personal opinion. The survey takes less than 15 minutes to complete.

Complete the survey here.

Use of Palliative Care and Advanced Life Support in Acute on Chronic Liver Failure: An International Survey

The aim of this study is to understand how clinicians at transplant centres around the world use palliative care and life support treatments for patients with acute on chronic liver failure (ACLF)/decompensated cirrhosis. The goal of this study is to generate knowledge that improves the quality of care for this vulnerable patient population.

Principal Investigator: Dr. Sarah Andersen, Assistant Professor, Department of Critical Care Medicine, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, University of Alberta. If you have questions or require more information about the study itself, please contact the study PI at sanderse [ @ ]

Collaborators: Dr. Constantine Karvellas, Dr. Puneeta Tandon (Division of Gastroenterology), Dr. Amanda Brisebois (Division of Palliative Care), Youri Kim (Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB); Dr. Nneka Ufere (Division of Gastroenterology, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA).


Complete the survey here.

Elibility: All clinicians who 1) work at a hospital that performs liver transplantation and 2) care for patients with advanced cirrhosis/ACLF as part of their practice. We are particularly interested in the perspectives of palliative care clinicians. It takes about 10 to 15 minutes to complete the survey.


CAFQa – Alarm Fatigue in ICU.
Alarms from medical equipment are part of the everyday life in intensive care and are often perceived as stressful by clinicians. Researchers from the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin and University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing would like to find out how you perceive alarms in your everyday work. After successfully developing and validating a German version of the Charité Alarm Fatigue Questionnaire (CAFQa) (Wunderlich et al. 2023), this project aims to make the questionnaire available to a wider audience internationally and lay the foundation for further validated translations. Excessive alarms in the ICU can diminish both the work environment and patient safety. By measuring this burden in a standardized manner, we can enhance alarm management. Your participation is crucial to making ICU alarms meaningful again. This survey has been also endorsed by the ESICM Data Science Section.
Leadership/contact: PD Dr. med. Akira-Sebastian Poncette, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany. Halley Ruppel, PhD, RN, Research Assistant Professor, University of Pennsylvania. akira-sebastian.poncette [ @ ]


Complete the survey here.


The primary objective of the study is to assess the rate of frequent information (more than 50% of cases) received by the relatives of adult surgical patients during the surgery.The secondary objective is to assess the determinants of frequent information provided by anaesthesiologists to relatives of adult surgical patients during the surgery.

Steering Committee members:

  • Pr Samir JABER, Montpellier, France
  • Dr Manuel Guerrero, Tijuana, Mexico
  • Dr Natacha Kapandji, Paris, France
  • Dr Yvan Pouzeratte, Montpellier, France
  • Dr Clara Penne, Montpellier, France

Contact: Pr Audrey De Jong Montpellier University Hospital Montpellier, France a-de_jong [ @ ]


We call on all Intensive Care physicians and anaesthesiologists. It is expected to have a low rate of frequent information (more than 50% of cases during surgery) of relatives of adult surgical patients by anesthesiologists. This ESICM APM Section initiative survey has been endorsed by ESICM. It should take no more than 10 minutes to complete.

Complete the survey here.


Organization of Care for Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury throughout Europe: a Multidisciplinary Survey. Pediatric traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a complex disease which requires specific expertise for management. As there is significant variation in the caseload of pediatric TBI across different European centres, there are several different models of practice in management of this disease. In order to identify best management pathways, the aim is to map the needs and practice variations.

Steering Committee:

  • Shruti Agrawal (ESPNIC, UK)
  • Radek Fric (EANS, Norway)
  • Chiara Robba (ESICM, Italy)
  • Aurelia Peraud (EANS, Germany)
  • Marianne Juhler (EANS, Denmark)
  • Miro Gjurasin (EANS, Croatia)
  • Ondra Petr (EANS, Austria)
  • Sarah Pedersen (EANS, Denmark)
  • Bart Depreitere (EANS, Belgium)l

Contact: Professor Bart Depreitere (Pediatric Neurosurgeon, UZ Leuven, Belgium) on Behalf of EANS, email:
Dr Shruti Agrawal (Paediatric Intensivist, Cambridge University Hospitals, Cambridge, UK) on Behalf of ESPNIC, email: shruti.agrawal1 [ @ ]


This survey is a joint initiative by the Trauma and Pediatric sections of the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies (EANS), the European Society of Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care (ESPNIC) and the European Society of Intensive Medicine (ESICM). We call on all medical professionals from all_ICUs who look after pediatric TBI patients. The participation in the survey is confidential.

Complete the survey here


The Current Acute Brain Injury Monitoring Practices within Intensive Care survey is an initiative of the ESICM NIC Section. Its primary objective is to capture and describe current Neurological ICU monitoring practices across ESICM members. Its secondary objectives include: To establish the availability and use of Multi-Modality Monitors (MMM) in patients with ABI admitted to Intensive Care Units of ESICM members; to establish key barriers to MMM use currently; to establish current MMM practice and variation within major sub-types of ABI; to establish common factors influencing MMM use and to establish if and how MMM are affecting clinical care.

Steering Committee:

  • Dr Vivek Muralidharan, U
  • Dr Florian Gessler, Germany
  • Dr Adrian Wong, UK
  • Dr Laura Galarza, Spain
  • Professor Fabio Taccone, Belgium
  • Professor Aarti Sarwal, USA
  • Dr Virginia Newcombe, UK
  • Professor Chiara Robba, Italy

Contact: Dr Richard Cashmore, Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge, United Kingdom, cashmorerichard [ @ ]


We call on all ICU Healthcare professionals and especially those working in neuro-intensive care. This survey will provide quantitative data, and offer some additional qualitative data on current practice on Brain Injury Monitoring. This survey has been endorsed by ESICM. It should take no more than 20 minutes to complete.
Complete the survey here .



The survey will present the same question as the survey in the paper published in 2017 [PMID: 28787293]. Several factors have been advocated for their importance in the management of patients in ICU settings including delirium, pain and analgesia, early mobility, and family involvement. In 2018 the PADIS (Pain, Agitation/Sedation, Delirium, Immobility, and Sleep Disruption in Adult Patients in the ICU) guidelines were published to provide clinicians with specific indications for the management of pain, analgesia, and delirium. In 2017 we conducted a survey to assess the knowledge and use of the ABCDEF (Assessing Pain, Both Spontaneous Awakening and Breathing Trials, Choice of Drugs, Delirium monitoring/management, Early exercise/mobility, and Family Empowerment) bundle worldwide and we found wide variability on its application across individual countries. After 6 years, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, we would like to implement a new release of the survey to have a new picture of the ABCDEF bundle application worldwide. We think that this could offer interesting insights into the implementation of the ABCDEF bundle and possibly identify specific barriers and targets for further quality improvement and adoption of the bundle. Our focus is to explore the knowledge about the ABCDEF bundle and the grade of its implementation worldwide, including, in this new release, the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit.

Opened since 21 October 2023

Towards a diverse and inclusive society: a survey of perceptions of discrimination

This survey will help to prioritize strategies to address discrimination and increase equity within ESICM. Period: starting on 21 October at LIVES 2023. This survey is now open.
Co-leaders: Michelle Chew, Chair-elect of the ESICM CD Section. Olfa Hamzaoui, member of the CD Section and National Representative for France in the ESICM Council.

Contact: Simone PIVA, Dept. of Medical & Surgical Specialties, Radiological Sciences & Public Health, University of Brescia; Dept. of Emergency, Spedali Civili University Hospital, Brescia, Italy Simone.piva [ @ ]


We call on ESICM LIVES 2023 attendees and ESICM members. The survey completion is voluntary. This survey has been endorsed by ESICM. It should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. This survey aims to collect subjective opinions (perception of discrimination) from a sample of ESICM Lives 2023 attendees and ESICM members that will be analyzed as a representative of intensive care health workers worldwide.

Complete the survey here