Last updated : 01/10/2024 - 275 views

FENICE: Fluid Challenges in Intensive Care

This large scale multicentre observational trial is conducted by the ESICM Trials Group and the ESICM Cardiovascular Section.

Under the leadership of Daniel De Backer (Principal Investigator) and Maurizio Cecconi (Co-chief Investigator), the Steering Committee consists of Maurizio Cecconi, Daniel De Backer, Christoph Hofer, Jean-Yves Lefrant,  Zsolt Molnar, Ville Pettila and Jean-Louis Teboul.


FENICE (Fluid Challenges in Intensive Care) is a multicentre observational trial designed and conducted by the ESICM Trials Group to investigate how fluids are administered in critically ill patients.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate how fluids are administered and how frequently fluid administration results in a positive haemodynamic response.
Data was collected during one week, either April 17 to April 23 or from May 23 to May 29.


Maurizio Cecconi, Christoph Hofer, Jean-Louis Teboul, Ville Pettila, Erika Wilkman, Zsolt Molnar, Giorgio Della Rocca, Cesar Aldecoa, Antonio Artigas, Sameer Jog, Michael Sander, Claudia Spies, Jean-Yves Lefrant and Daniel De Backer. Fluid challenges in intensive care: the FENICE study – A global inception cohort study. Intensive Care Medicine 2015:3850,DOI: 10.1007/s00134-015-3850-x (Seven-Day Profile Publication)



For any queries, please email fenice@esicm.org.