Patients and families during COVID-19 times: replay available

New Human Resources and Crisis Management webinars
This webinar is part of a series of three complementary webinars on Human Resources and Crisis Management, delivered by a multidisciplinary panel of experts.
Junior and senior doctors and nurses, researchers and sociologists will discuss leadership in times of crisis, stress management, as well as patient and family care in an open dialogue with the audience and the moderator.
The third webinar, “Patients and families during COVID-19”, was held on 22 June. You can watch the replay here.
Learning Outcomes:
The last webinar of the series debated, among others:
• short- and long-term sequelae for patients and their families related to COVID-19
• changes in family-centred care over the pandemic
• visitation policies in the COVID-19 ICUs
• how to support patients and families after ICU stay
Prof Julie BENBENISHTY – Staff nurse, Post-Anaesthesia Unit and Surgical Intensive Care Unit, Hadassah Medical Organization, Jerusalem (IL). Associate Professor Hebrew University Faculty of Medicine, School of nursing, Jerusalem (IL).
Dr Andrej MICHALSEN – Consultant in Anaesthesiology and Critical Care, Konstanz General Hospital, Konstanz (DE).
Dr Christina JONES – Research manager at ICUsteps, peer support charity aiming to support patients and their families during their recovery from critical illness.
Ms Carole BOULANGER – Consultant Nurse, ACCP Critical Care, Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust, Exeter (UK). Educational Lead of the ESICM N&AHP Committee.
Past webinars
Leadership in Crisis Management
Watch the replay here
Prevention, recognition and management of burnout
Watch the replay here
These webinars are sponsored by