
Abstract Book
You can find all accepted abstracts by clicking HERE (ICMx supplement of October 2018).

Oral Presentations Sessions
ePosters (= Poster Corners Sessions/Arena Sessions)


Poster Corners

LIVES 2018 Abstract Awards

Five Best Abstracts Awards
Presenters of the 5 best abstracts will receive an award including one free registration to LIVES 2019 (core congress) plus travel and accommodation (up to 1.000 Euro).

Abstracts selected by the jury will be presented in our session Abstract Award Winning during the Congress on Tuesday 23 October at 09:40-10:55 in room Paris:

0503 - Comparison of two opposite strategies of weaning: high vs. low work of breathing: a multicentre randomised controlled trial
Carles Subirà, Manresa, Spain

0504 - Targeting low-normal vs. high-normal carbon dioxide after cardiac arrest and resuscitation: a randomized pilot trial (NCT02698917)
Pekka Jakkula, Helsinki, Finland

0505 - Target attainment of empirically dosed continuous infusion of piperacillin/tazobactam and meropenem in critically ill patients
Sofie Dhaese, Ghent, Belgium

0506 - Translational studies into the immunomodulatory effects of norepinephrine and alternative vasopressors
Roeland Stolk, Nijmegen, Netherlands

0507 - Painful intensive care unit (ICU) stay reported by ICU survivors: influence of chest tube removal, intrahospital transport, and other events occurring during the stay in the ICU
Pierre Kalfon, Chartres, France

Six N&AHP Abstract Awards
The N&AHP best abstract award includes:

  • one free registration to LIVES 2019 (core congress) plus travel and accommodation (up to 1.000 Euro).
  • two free registrations to LIVES 2019 (core congress).
  • three free registrations to LIVES 2019 (core congress) plus travel and accommodation (up to 1.000 Euro) supported by an unrestricted research grant from Nestlé.

Abstracts selected by the jury will be presented in our session N&AHP research & networking: What's new? during the Congress on Monday 22 October at 16:00-18:00 in room BM6:

0583 - Social media at international intensive care medicine conference - are the voices of nurses and AHPs being heard? A three-year analysis across continents
Owen Gustafson, Oxford, United Kingdom

0584 - An evaluation of the role of occupational therapy within a United Kingdom multi speciality critical care unit
Elizabeth Felton, Birmingham, United Kingdom

1030 - Effect of nurse led intervention to reduce post traumatic stress symptoms in patients discharged after intensive care treatment
Åse Valsø, Oslo, Norway

1031 - Towards the acoustical characterisation of an intensive care unit
Deborah Dawson, London, United Kingdom

1032 - Learning from within: a quality improvement programme to identify and address key themes for successful critical care rehabilitation
Sarah Bean, Truro Cornwall, United Kingdom

1033 - Prevalence of early mobilization and its effects within the intensive care unit
Paulo Ricardo Marques Filho, Porto Alegre, Brazil

One ISF Abstract Award
The ISF Abstract Award includes a free registration to LIVES 2019 (core congress) plus travel and accommodation (up to 500 Euro).

Abstract selected by the jury will be presented in our session Sepsis identification & prognosis during the Congress on Tuesday 23 October at 09:40-10:55 in room Berlin:

0509 - Hospital pre-alerting in a cohort of potentially septic patients brought into the emergency department by ambulance, is associated with more rapid delivery of antibiotics and improvement in physiological parameters at hospital admission
Duncan Hargreaves, Worthing, United Kingdom

Review Process

The submitted abstracts have been examined anonymously by the ESICM Reviewers and ESICM Congress Committee: 1569 abstracts, 15% of which were rejected. We thank the abstracts submitters and congratulate those selected. We also encourage the authors not selected to resubmit for the ESICM LIVES 2019 in Berlin.

The authors have been informed of acceptance/rejection of their abstract by email on 21 June 2018. Presentation details have been sent by email on 20 July 2018.

All abstracts selected for presentation at the Congress will be either presented as oral or poster/arena presentation and will be published in the relevant publications.

Abstract Reviewers

With more than 1569 abstracts submitted, the abstract review process for the annual congress was a complex one.

Once again, reviewers, who are top experts from a wide range of areas were tasked with ensuring the highest quality abstracts are selected and organised to create an interesting and varied cutting-edge scientific programme for LIVES 2018 in Paris.

ESICM recognises and appreciates the important contributions of these busy specialists who offer their expertise and time to ensure that the programme for LIVES 2018 will not only meet, but surpass the scientific heights of past congresses.

Thank You to this amazing group of intensive care professionals: LIVES 2018 Abstract Reviewers

Abstract Submission

The abstract submission system closed on 23 April 2018. This abstract receipt deadline will remain firm and any abstracts received after the deadline will not be accepted.

Abstract submitters received an e-mail confirmation immediately after submitting their abstract. If you did not receive this e-mail, please contact the Abstract Department.


  • Submission of an abstract constitutes a formal commitment by the author to present the abstract in the session and at the time decided upon by the Congress Committee. One of the co-authors can take over if needed. Failure to present the abstract, for other than duly motivated reasons, will lead to rejection of abstract submission at the next ESICM Events.
  • Registration fees for the presenting author will not be waived. The presenting author of an accepted abstract must be registered to the Congress.
  • It is the authors' responsibility to submit abstracts in perfect order with no errors in spelling and grammar. Abstracts will not be corrected.
  • The authors agree that ESICM will publish abstracts in Intensive Care Medicine and record the presentation for subsequent use as it deems appropriate.
  • The signing author certifies that any work with human or animal subjects related in this abstract complies with the guiding principles for experimental procedures as set forth in the Declaration of Helsinki and related publications.
  • Submitting an abstract also certifies that at the time of submission, the scientific material found within the abstract has not been presented at any other meeting and will not be published in other than abstract form prior to the ESICM Annual Congress.
  • All accepted abstracts will be presented in e-poster form. A limited number of accepted abstracts will also be selected by the Scientific Committee for oral presentation. Instructions for e-poster and oral presentation will be sent to the corresponding authors after the review process.

Failure to adhere to these rules will result in the automatic rejection of the abstract.