
Last updated : 01/10/2024 - 779 views

The basis for most of the activities is formed by the scientific Sections. Currently 13 different sections exist, each one dealing with a specific subject, such as Respiratory Failure, Sepsis, Ethics, etc.  In addition, Section Project Groups gather members across sections which want to work together on a specific subject.

Thematic folders and related Sections

Acute Kidney Injury

Acute Kidney Injury

The Acute Kidney Injury section offers courses, research, and critical studies on managing acute kidney...

Acute Respiratory Failure

Acute Respiratory Failure

The Acute Respiratory Failure section offers courses, research, and studies on ARDS, mechanical ventilation, and...

Anaesthesia & Peri-operative Medicine

Anaesthesia & Peri-operative Medicine

The Anaesthesia & Peri-operative Medicine section offers education, research, and studies on perioperative care and...

Cardiovascular Dynamics

Cardiovascular Dynamics

The Cardiovascular Dynamics section offers progressive courses, research, and studies on haemodynamic monitoring and sepsis-induced...

Data Science

Data Science

The Data Science section focuses on big data, machine learning, and electronic health records, offering...



The Ethics section focuses on end-of-life care, offering courses, webinars, and research on global ICU...

Feeding, Rehabilitation, Endocrinology & Metabolism

Feeding, Rehabilitation, Endocrinology & Metabolism

The Feeding, Rehabilitation, Endocrinology & Metabolism section offers courses, research, and studies on nutrition, metabolic...

Health Services Research & Outcome

Health Services Research & Outcome

The Health Services Research & Outcome section focuses on ICU patient outcomes, offering research, webinars,...



The Infection section offers education and research on severe infections, antimicrobial stewardship, and ICU infection...

Neuro-Intensive Care

Neuro-Intensive Care

The Neuro-Intensive Care section offers advanced education and research on managing critically ill neurological patients,...

Pharmacology and pharmacotherapy Section

Pharmacology and pharmacotherapy Section

This section ensures excellence in medication use, providing intensive care patients with optimized, personalized, and...

Systemic Inflammation and Sepsis

Systemic Inflammation and Sepsis

The Systemic Inflammation and Sepsis section offers education and research on sepsis, antimicrobial stewardship, and...

Translational Biology Section

Translational Biology Section

The Translational Biology section focuses on integrating research with clinical practice, offering education and collaborative...

Trauma and Emergency Medicine

Trauma and Emergency Medicine

The Trauma and Emergency Medicine section focuses on managing traumatic injuries and patient transportation, offering...

Transversal Working Groups