Global Intensive Care Group
The Global Intensive Care Group
The Global Intensive Care Group (GICG) is aiming to consolidate and strengthen efforts within ESICM in order to help improving intensive care medicine in low- and middle-income countries.
GICG consists of 6 members:
- A chairperson
- Representative of Africa, Asia and South America
- Two European representatives

Research – Research projects
The Intensive Care GLObal Study on Severe Acute Respiratory Infection is a multicentre, prospective, observational,14-day inception cohort study designed and conducted by the ESICM Trials Group to investigate the epidemiology and microbiology profiles of ICU-SARI.
Publication :
Research – Surveys
International survey on the Structure and Organisation of the Intensive Care Unit (ISOREA).The objective was to evaluate the current structure and organisation of ICUs in a very large sample of countries with low, middle and high income, given the scarcity of data in this area.
This survey was endorsed by the Société de Réanimation de Langue Française (SRLF), by the Subsaharian Society for Anesthesia and Intensive Care (SARANF) and by ESICM.
It was organised by Pr. Armand MEKONTSO DESSAP, Medical ICU, Henri Mondor University Hospital, Créteil, France
Relevant research
Otto Schell C., Gerdin Wärnberg al. The global need for essential emergency and critical care
Mekontso Dessap A. Frugal innovation for critical care
Benbenishty J et al. The migrant crisis and the importance of developing cultural competence in the intensive care unit
Flavia R. Machado et al. Trying to Improve Sepsis Care in Low-Resource Settings
Ary Serpa Neto et al. Ventilatory support of patients with sepsis or septic shock in resource-limited settings.
Suggested talks
Intensive Care in a Resource-Poor Setting
How can a functional intensive care system be established in these settings?
In this icTV interview, Martin Dünser answers these important questions and updates us on the initiatives of ESICM and its partners in resource-poor settings.
The Global Burden of Disease
Global health expert Majid Ezzati provides an interesting overview of the current state of global health and explains his vision for how intensive care clinicians can play a greater role in effecting positive change.
Preparing for the Next Pandemic
In this interesting icTV interview, Jeremy Farrar, Oxford University Professor and Director of the UK’s Wellcome Trust discusses the implications of emerging infections on intensive care, and provides some prognostic advice on preparing for future pandemics.