Systemic Inflammation and Sepsis

Last updated : 03/10/2024 - 46 views

The Systemic Inflammation and Sepsis section is led by Marc Leone.

SIS News




Sepsis and Severe Infections

This 2-day e-course blends techniques that encourage maximum learning. Special attention is given to interactive activities, case-based discussions, workshops and problem-oriented approaches.

  • Format: Virtual
  • Dates: February 22-23, 2024


The COVID-19 ALIVE course is a unique learning opportunity, structured and comprehensive addressing COVID-19 in critically ill patients in LMICs.

The course content specifically addresses many common issues faced when caring for critically ill COVID-19 patients in LMICs.

Speakers from around the world will share their experiences and cover ten pertinent and key topics related to relevant aspects of the care of such patients.

The course is FREE of charge, whether you hold an ESICM membership or not.


Free live webinars are available for members & non members on the ESICM Media Library.

Point of view




Sepsis Assessment and Identification in Low Resource Settings (SAILORS). SAILORS Study Group, ESICM, SCCM collaboration.
Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2017;195:A5847

Incidence of severe sepsis and septic shock


Abdominal Sepsis Study: Epidemiology of Etiology and Outcome is a multinational, prospective, observational study on intra-abdominal infections (IAIs) in critically ill patients with a special emphasis on epidemiology and outcomes.

Investigate microbiology and/or drug resistance patterns. Describe physician’s antimicrobial prescription patterns. Investigate outcomes (clinical response, need for surgical revision, length of hospitalisation, and mortality).


The trial aimed at identifying factors that determine the incidence, severity and the outcome from life-threatening infections (severe sepsis/septic shock) in patients admitted to High Dependency Units (HDUs) or Intensive Care Units (ICUs) with community acquired pneumonia (CAP) or with faecal peritonitis (FP).

Further information:


  • Genomic landscape of the individual host response and outcomes in sepsis: a prospective cohort study
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