
Last updated : 01/10/2024 - 111 views

Physiotherapy Transversal Working Group

  • Chair: David McWilliams
  • Vice Chair & N&AHPs group representative: Sabrina Eggmann

Physiotherapy News

ESICM Guidelines on End-of-Life and Palliative Care in the intensive care unit
Presenting the new highly anticipated recommendations and expert opinions on end-of-life (EoL) and palliative care…
Environmental sustainability in intensive care: the path forward. An ESICM Green Paper
At LIVES 2024, ESICM proudly launched the Green Paper on Environmental Sustainability, marking a significant…
World Patient Safety Day: engage patients for patient safety
On September 17, World Patient Safety Day highlights the critical role of patient involvement in…



ReLatIonship BEtween implementation of evidence-based and suppoRtive ICU cAre and ouTcomes of patIents with acute respiratOry distress syndrome (The ICU liberation study).

This study is being led by Dr Keibun Liu from Japan and builds on a similar project completed during the COVID-19 pandemic. This project will aim to gain a deeper insight into the care and rehabilitation provided to patients with ARDS. The findings will be valuable in terms of identifying areas of good practice alongside strategies and barriers for implementation.


Physiotherapy Provision and Practice: A EuropeAn Intensive CarE Unit (ICU) Survey (PEACE study).

This survey will aim to identify current levels of physiotherapy provision in ICUs across Europe. This will build on previous work in this area, aiming to gain greater insight into therapy provision and include ICUs in Eastern Europe and those not necessarily represented within the society currently. This work will help to identify a Europe-wide network of physiotherapists alongside directly informing potential educational requirements and opportunities for the future. We plan to apply for ESICM endorsement for this project

Suggested talks

Early Mobilisation in your ICU: What you need to know

What does the concept of early mobilisation really mean? 

What is the clinical rationale for its’ use in ICUs? 

Is every patient an ideal candidate for early mobilisation?

Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist David McWilliams answers these questions and provides some much-needed insight on what care teams can do to implement early mobilisation in their ICUs in the most efficient and effective way.

Get Involved

As we return to some degree of normality after the past few years, we aim to re-establish a database of physiotherapists within the ESICM.

This will allow for greater networking and provide a platform for physiotherapists’ views to be heard and shared.

This will also increase our capacity as a group to support wider society activities, for example, joint webinars and journal club activities.