34th Annual Congress – Digital

LIVES, 03-06 October 2021, Digital
ESICM’s annual congress, LIVES, attracts audiences of over 6,000 physicians, anaesthetists, trainees and nursing and allied health professionals, every year, from every continent. Last year, due to the pandemic, we adapted the format for LIVES 2020 and produced a fully digital experience that was both creative and interactive, whilst delivering the highest level of scientific content, hot topics, research, debate and expert opinion.
Our diverse faculty of more than 320 international speakers delivered more than 30h and 367 live presentations as well as 90h and 365 on-demand presentations.
To ensure that everyone can participate, despite the ongoing challenges of the pandemic, LIVES 2021 will also be a digital event. It will represent a unique opportunity to join a network of colleagues from every part of the world and discover the latest groundbreaking science in intensive care medicine.
LIVES 2021 will offer discussion and debates, abstract presentations, scientific sessions, live voting and interaction, demonstrations, directly to our community.
LIVES Digital programme has been granted 15 European CME credits (ECMEC®s) by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®).
LIVES is going digital!
General Information
Last year LIVES 2020 was our first fully digital congress. Our diverse faculty of more than 330 international speakers delivered more than 30h and 367 live presentations as well as 90h and 365 on-demand presentations.
Given the continuing impact of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, and to ensure everyone can participate, ESICM has decided to transition the onsite LIVES 2021 congress to an immersive and exciting online event - LIVES Digital 2021 - from 03–06 October 2021.
LIVES 2021 will represent a unique opportunity to join a network of colleagues from every part of the world and discover the latest groundbreaking science in intensive care medicine. The programme will include discussion and debates, abstract presentations, scientific sessions, live voting and interaction. Wherever you are working or residing and whatever the time, all the key presentations (and more) will be available to you at the click of a key.
Our aim to is to keep offering a congress experience as diverse and stimulating as the face-to-face meeting.
We look forward to meeting you online in October. In the meantime, we would like to use this opportunity to give recognition to the tremendous healthcare professionals throughout the world who are caring for so many patients during this pandemic.
Together we are Intensive Care.
What does it mean?
Instead of us meeting at a physical location this year for our annual congress, which had been previously planned for Copenhagen, we will now hold the congress completely virtually and online. No travel, fewer obstacles, and more opportunities.
Save the date!
The congress dates will be 03-06 October 2021. More information will be coming in the next weeks as we continue to work on making this as smooth a transition as possible for our entire community.
We thank you for your patience and understanding as we first work out the complexities of moving from a physical congress to an online event.
We invite you to visit our websites regularly for the most up-to-date information on the congress and other ESICM activities.
Frequently Asked Questions
Still have questions? See our FAQ below.
LIVES will be an online, digital meeting. Instead of us meeting at a physical location this year for our annual congress, which had been previously planned for Copenhagen, we will now hold the congress completely virtually and online. More information on how to access the digital congress will come later on.
Please note that the platform, Video On Demand, and Exhibition can be accessed at any time. Still, our support and live sessions will only be available at the times indicated below:
Sunday 03 Oct | Monday 04 Oct | Tuesday 05 Oct | Wednesday 06 Oct | |
Delegate Support | 14:00 - 18:00 | 07:00 - 18:00 | 08:00 - 18:00 | 08:00 - 16:00 |
Live Sessions | 15:30 - 17:00 | 08:10 - 18:15 | 08:10 - 18:15 | 08:10 - 16:10 |
To attend the digital congress, you require a valid registration, good internet connection, your computer/laptop and a headset/headphones.
You will have access to all scientific sessions and on-demand recordings. You will also receive access to the digital exhibition, be able to claim CME credits, review the e-posters, and connect with peers, just as in a physical congress.
Links and all necessary information on how to access LIVES online will be emailed to you right before the start of the congress.
You will be able to review the sessions and visit the virtual exhibition via the link sent to you (i.e., from the virtual platform) throughout the 6 months following the congress.
After that period, the recordings can be accessed via the e-LIVES library on our website.
Access is limited to: 1 email / 1 access / 1 device.
You can only connect on one device.
To get the best experience at this digital event, we strongly encourage you to connect using a laptop/PC.
The webcam is not mandatory to attend the event. It will only be necessary for the Meet the Expert sessions.
At the moment, the preliminary programme is available on our website on the e-Planner. The full programme can be viewed on the event platform soon.
Voting, interactive questions, answer tools, and chat will be available in all live sessions. You will be able to ask a question or make a comment with the speakers during the live sessions.
Industry sponsored sessions and e-booths will be accessible on our platform during 6 months as for the scientific programme.
The official hour of the entire LIVES Digital 2021 is CEST (Central European Summer Time). You can use this website to convert https://24timezones.com/difference/ CEST into your local time.
Yes, if you are a registered delegate you will be able to access all of our sessions and watch them again during 6 months indefinitely and as often as you like.
Yes, those who register for the congress and watch sessions can request a certificate of attendance.
Yes, ESICM has applied for CME credits to the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME® – Institution of the UEMS). The exact number of credits will be updated once approved.
CME credits can be claimed for participation during the 4-DAY LIVE congress (03-06 October) and for the recorded sessions during or after these dates. The EACCME accreditation for recorded sessions will be valid for a period of three months from the starting date of the event. After three months, viewers will not be entitled to receive EACCME credits anymore for viewing the recorded event.
To claim your CME credits you need first to complete a short questionnaire about your LIVES Digital experience, which you will receive by email. The CME certificate will then be available to download and/or print.
Please contact the Registration Department at registration@esicm-congress.org
CME Accreditation
CME Accreditation
Accredited Continuing Medical Education (CME) is an essential component of continuing physician professional development. Accreditation is of utmost importance - both as proof of the top quality of the congress's scientific content and as an opportunity for delegates to collect their CME credit points.
LIVES Digital programme has been granted 15 European CME credits (ECMEC®s) by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®).
CME credits can be claimed for participation during the 4-DAY LIVE congress (03-06 October) and for the recorded sessions during or after these dates.
The EACCME accreditation for recorded sessions will be valid for a period of three months from the starting date of the event. After three months, viewers will not be entitled to receive EACCME credits anymore for viewing the recorded event.
Your certificate of attendance will be sent to you after the congress by email.
How does it work?
- Delegates can exchange their EACCME credits for National CME credits in their home country;
- Physicians may have their EACCME credits converted to AMA PRA Category 1 Credit by applying to the American Medical Association at www.ama-assn.org/go/cme.
Do you have any questions? See our FAQ below.
Yes, those who register for the congress and watch sessions can request a certificate of attendance.
Yes, ESICM has applied for CME credits to the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME® – Institution of the UEMS). The exact number of credits will be updated once approved.
CME credits can be claimed for participation during the 4-DAY LIVE congress (03-06 October) and for the recorded sessions during or after these dates. The EACCME accreditation for recorded sessions will be valid for a period of three months from the starting date of the event. After three months, viewers will not be entitled to receive EACCME credits anymore for viewing the recorded event.
To claim your CME credits you need first to complete a short questionnaire about your LIVES Digital experience, which you will receive by email. The CME certificate will then be available to download and/or print.
Scientific Programme
Scientific Programme
ESICM has made the decision to make the LIVES 2021 Annual Meeting an entirely virtual event, and we are currently in the processes of transforming the programme to a virtual format.
The programme will be presented in a wide variety of formats – symposia, workshops, case presentations and case discussions. Alongside the dynamic debates and interactive demonstrations, we will provide a wide range of resources on the LIVES Digital 2021 Media Library that can be accessed and viewed on-demand.
All the sessions featured in the video-on-demand programme will be available to participants on our digital platform from Sunday, 3 October at 15:30 CET. For these presentations, there is neither a set schedule nor a Q&A. This will give all delegates, wherever they may be in the world, the flexibility to watch all the lectures at a time that suits them.
The ESICM LIVES Congress is, above all, an opportunity for interaction and networking, and LIVES Digital 2021 will be no exception. We will have 8 broadcasting channels at our disposal, allowing a wide-ranging programme of interactive debates and dynamic presentations/discussions to be sent out live to all the corners of the globe.
An application will be made to the UEMS EACCME® for CME accreditation of this event.
To attend the digital congress, you require a valid registration, a good internet connection, your computer/laptop and a headset/headphones.
Links and all necessary information on how to access LIVES online will be emailed to you right before the start of the congress.
You will be able to review the sessions and visit the virtual exhibition via the link sent to you (i.e., from the virtual platform) throughout the 6 months following the congress.
After that period, the recordings can be accessed via the e-LIVES library on our website.
No, you can only connect on one device.
At the moment, the preliminary programme is available on our website on the e-Planner. The full programme can be viewed on the event platform soon.
All times given on the LIVES Digital 2021 programme are CEST (Central European Summer Time).
You can use this website to convert https://24timezones.com/difference/ CET into your local time.
Voting, interactive questions, answer tools, and chat will be available in all live sessions. You will be able to ask a question or make a comment with the speakers during the live sessions.
Yes, if you are a registered delegate you will be able to access all of our sessions and watch them again during 6 months indefinitely and as often as you like.
Special Sessions
Special Sessions
LIVES Digital 2021 will be energized by sessions specially devised to provide participants with a platform for interaction with peers and dedicated experts from the different fields of Intensive Care Medicine.
These informal sessions are meant to encourage participants’ input, peer exchange and the sharing of experience of all the most important issues that impact our profession.
Please note that only those registered for the main congress are eligible to join the special sessions on webcam/mic via the links provided at the beginning of these sessions. Attendance is limited but of course, you can attend and watch these sessions on the congress platform.
Meet the Expert Sessions on Channel 3
Do you have a burning question for our profession’s leading experts and best-known speakers? Join us for lively interactive debate during this 45-min expert discussion.
Education Case-Based Fundamentals on Channels 4 & 5
Fundamental concepts of intensive care explained by top experts on real cases.
> For the best experience during the KAHOOT’s CBFs, it is recommended to join ZOOM rather than the congress platform due to the short delay between the two platforms.
Interactive session - My first on-call at home on Channel 7
How would it be if you are on-call at home and your resident calls you about a patient? Will you able to help him and the deteriorating patient?
Abstract Book & FAQ
You can access ESICM LIVES Digital 2021 Abstract Book HERE.
All ESICM Abstract Books from 2014 to 2021 can be found here.
Guidelines & Instructions
A platform to record and upload your presentation will be available from 16 August until 26 September, an individual link will be sent along with the guidelines.
If you are the submission manager, and not the presenting author, please note that further technical communications for uploading and connecting will only be sent to the speaker.
Please be aware that all presenting authors must register for the congress; the registration fee will not be waived.
Your abstract will be published online in the supplementary issue of the ESICM official journal Intensive Care Medicine Experimental, which will be available just before the Congress through our website.
Best Oral Presentations (live Q&A session will be run*)
This would take the form of a 3-minute pre-recorded presentation of your research, followed by a 3 minute live discussion between you as speaker and a moderator. You will be asked to be connected 30 minutes before the beginning of the session. All relevant technical information will be sent in advance of the congress.
Please click here for the PowerPoint template. Keep the number of slides to a minimum - we would suggest no more than three. We recommend that you:
• start with your conclusion slide
• support your conclusions with the most relevant data
• end with a take home message
*There will be audience questions via a chat facility with questions selected by the moderator.
Oral Presentations (no live presentation & no live Q&A session will be run*)
Your 3-minute pre-recorded presentation should take the form of an audio recording accompanied by one single slide. This programme includes a zoom-in facility which allows the viewer to select the different features of the slide and hear the accompanying audio.
Please click here for the PowerPoint templates (chose one from the two available).
*There will be no live presentation and no live Q&A discussion for your abstract. However, we do ask you to be available throughout the congress to answer potential audience questions that you will receive via a chat facility.
e-Posters (no live presentation & no live Q&A session will be run*)
Your presentation should only take the form of one single slide. It will also include a zoom-in facility which allows the viewer to select the different features of the slide.
Please click here for the PowerPoint templates (chose one from the two available).
*There will be no live presentation and no live Q&A discussion for your abstract. However, we do ask you to be available throughout the congress to answer potential audience questions that you will receive via a chat facility.
Review Process
The submitted abstracts have been examined anonymously by the ESICM Reviewers and ESICM Congress Committee. We thank the abstracts submitters and congratulate those selected. We also encourage the authors not selected to resubmit for the ESICM LIVES 2022 in Paris.
The authors have been informed of acceptance/rejection of their abstract by email on 29 June. Presentation details have been sent by email on 23 July.
All abstracts selected for presentation at the Congress will be either presented as oral or e-poster presentation and will be published in the ICMx Journal.
The abstract submission system closed on 20 May 2021, 23:59 CET. This abstract receipt deadline is firm and any abstracts received after the deadline will not be accepted.
Abstract submitters received an e-mail confirmation immediately after submitting their abstract. If you did not receive this e-mail, please contact the Abstract Department.
Abstract Reviewers
Once again, reviewers, who are top experts from a wide range of areas were tasked with ensuring the highest quality abstracts are selected and organised to create an interesting and varied cutting-edge scientific programme for LIVES Digital 2021.
ESICM recognises and appreciates the important contributions of these busy specialists who offer their expertise and time to ensure that the programme for LIVES Digital 2021 will not only meet, but surpass the scientific heights of past events.
Thank You to this amazing group of intensive care professionals: LIVES Digital 2021 Reviewers
Still have questions? See our FAQ below:
The authors have been informed of acceptance/rejection of their abstract by email on 29 June. Presentation details have been sent by email on 23 July.
No, late-breaking abstracts won’t be accepted.
No, you will not be able to make changes to your abstract once submitted. However, corrections can be highlighted on your poster if necessary.
Yes, all accepted abstracts will be published in the Abstract Book which can be accessed via our website just before the congress.
Yes, the abstract presenter must register for the congress in order to present/upload his work.
What happens if I have planned to present my abstract at another congress before LIVES Digital 2021?
Submitting an abstract also certifies that at the time of submission, the scientific material found within the abstract has not been presented at any other meeting and will not be published in any form other than abstract form prior to LIVES Digital 2021. If you have plans to do so, please contact us at scientific@cyim.com in order that your abstract may be withdraw from our event.
Although you may withdraw your abstract and decide not present it during the LIVES 2021 digital congress please note that this will mean you will not be able to submit it again for LIVES 2022, as the abstract will have already been published in the Abstract Book 2021.
Yes, all participants who registered for the congress, submitted and uploaded an abstract will receive a certificate after the congress from 18 October.
Please email us at scientific@cyim.com.
Best Abstracts
Abstracts Awards
Six Best Abstracts Awards
Presenters of the 6 best abstracts will receive an award including free registration to LIVES 2022 (core congress).
Abstracts selected by the jury will be presented in our session Best Oral Presentations 2 during the Digital Congress on Monday 04 October between 14:05-14:45 on Channel Copenhagen.
- Body mass index and mortality in COVID-19 and other diseases: a cohort study in 35,506 ICU patients - Emma Kooistra (Nijmegen, Netherlands)
- Changes in Pupillary Dilation Velocity during delirium and septic shock in a general ICU cohort - Stine Uhrenholt (Copenhagen, Denmark)
- Creatinine and Mitochondrial Metabolism in the Critically Ill: a metabolomics cohort study - Hirotada Kobayashi (Boston, United States of America)
- A systematic review exploring physician approaches to conflict resolution in end-of-life decisions in the adult intensive care unit - Harleen Kaur Johal (Bristol, United Kingdom)
- Epidemiology and determinants of outcomes of Hospital-Acquired Blood Stream Infections in the ICU: the Eurobact II multinational cohort study - Alexis Tabah (Brisbane, Australia)
- Prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia by noble metal coating of endotracheal tubes: A randomized, controlled, double-blind, multicenter, prospective pilot study - Pierre Damas (Liège, Belgium)
Twenty Best Abstracts Awards
Presenters of the other 20 best abstracts will receive an award including free registration to LIVES 2022 (core congress).
Abstracts selected by the jury will be presented in our sessions Best Oral Presentations 1-3-4-5 during the Digital Congress on Channel Copenhagen.
- High-Protein Intake and Early Exercise in Adult Intensive Care Patients: A Randomized Controlled Phase III Study to Evaluate the Impact on Functional Outcomes - José Azevedo (São Luís, Brazil)
- Fluid Management In Critically Ill Patients With Acute Kidney Injury: Role Of Noninvasive Assessment of Stroke Volume - Hassan Effat (Cairo, Egypt)
- Outcomes, Costs and Healthcare Resource Utilization Related to Acute Kidney Injury Among Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19 - Julien Textoris (Marcy-l'Étoile, France)
- Cardiorespiratory response to early rehabilitation in critically ill adults: a secondary analysis of a randomised controlled trial - Sabrina Eggmann (Bern, Switzerland)
- National Early Warning Score and the respiratory component: a prospective three-centre study with 18,899 general ward patients - Joonas Tirkkonen (Tampere, Finland)
- ICU acquired weakness as a predictor of discharge destination in patients admitted to Intensive care with COVID 19 requiring mechanical ventilation - Jonathan Weblin (Birmingham , United Kingdom)
- Long-term application of Selective digestive decontamination in a mixed ICU: impact on nosocomial multi-resistant infection, antibiotic consumption and colistin- and tobramicyn colonization - Catalina Sánchez Ramírez (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain)
- Development of a vectorized-IL-7 immunotherapeutic to stimulate innate and adaptive immunity for the treatment of immunosuppression in sepsis patients - Genevieve Inchauspe (Lyon, France)
- High prevalence of complicated grief among bereaved relatives after death of the patient in the ICU during the first wave of COVID-19 - Margo Van Mol (Rotterdam, Netherlands)
- The systemic inflammatory response induced by LPS administration is more pronounced in women than in men - Aron Jansen (Nijmegen, Netherlands)
- ICU Care is Associated with Improved Survival in COVID-19 Patients Registered in the ISARIC WHO Clinical Characterisation Protocol: a Prospective, Multinational, Multicentre, Observational Study - Luis Felipe Reyes (Bogotá, Colombia)
- Clinical evaluation of a novel continuous absolute end-expiratory lung volume monitoring method based on the capnodynamic principle - Juan Antonio Sanchez Giralt (Madrid, Spain)
- Rehabilitation levels in patients admitted to intensive care with COVID-19: An observational cohort study - Michelle Crinage (Coventry, United Kingdom)
- Achieving Lung- and Diaphragm- Protective Ventilation in Patients with Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure: The LANDMARK I Clinical Trial - Jose Dianti (Toronto, Canada)
- Neurofilament light compared to neuron-specific enolase as a predictor of poor outcome after cardiac arrest - Lauri Wihersaari (Kuopio, Finland)
- Association of deranged cerebrovascular autoregulation with brain injury following cardiac arrest: A post hoc analysis of the COMACARE trial - Johanna Laurikkala (Helsinki, Finland)
- Using proenkephalin as a novel biomarker to estimate glomerular filtration rate - Remi Beunders (Nijmegen, Netherlands)
- Stroke in ECMO patients with COVID-19: An analysis of the COVID‐19 Critical Care Consortium (CCCC) international, multicentre observational study - Lavien Premraj (Southport, Australia)
- Is a simple bedside mobility score a useful predictor of long-term outcome for patients admitted to critical care with COVID-19 infection - David McWilliams (Coventry, United Kingdom)
- Long-term effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on burnout symptoms in ICU professionals: results from a 9-months follow-up longitudinal cohort study - Niek Kok (Nijmegen, Netherlands)
Three N&AHP Abstract Awards
The N&AHP best abstract award includes three free registrations to LIVES 2022 (core congress).
Abstracts selected by the jury will be presented in our session N&AHP research & networking: What's new? during the Digital Congress on Monday 04 October between 14:00-15:30 on Channel Vienna.
- ICU acquired weakness as a predictor of discharge destination in patients admitted to Intensive care with COVID 19 requiring mechanical ventilation - Jonathan Weblin (Birmingham , United Kingdom)
- Rehabilitation levels in patients admitted to intensive care with COVID-19: An observational cohort study - Michelle Crinage (Coventry, United Kingdom)
- Under Pressure! A NHS Hospital ICU acquired Pressure Ulcers 3 year review: incidence and costs - Luis Rodrigues Mendes (London, United Kingdom)
One ISF Abstract Award
The ISF Abstract Award includes free registration to LIVES 2022 (core congress).
- Targeted Antithrombin Use for Sepsis with Coagulopathy: A Machine Learning-Based Approach to Estimate Heterogeneous Treatment Effects - Itsuki Osawa (Bunkyo City, Japan)
Registration Information
Registration Information
Registration for LIVES Digital 2021, our fully digital and interactive annual congress, opened on 6th May.
ESICM was rewarding all its members who registered between Thursday 6th May and Monday 10th May, FREE REGISTRATION for our digital congress. This offer was for a limited period only.
After 10th May, early fees will apply and ESICM members can still benefit from special reductions on the congress fee, set out below.
NB: The fees are net and that 21% Belgian VAT will be added (if applicable).
ESICM Members | Free 6 May to 10 May |
Early fees 11 May to 26 Aug |
Standard fees 27 Aug to 6 Oct |
Physicians | 0 € | 120 € | 220 € |
In Training, Nurses & AHPs | 0 € | 50 € | 100 € |
*From Low and Lower Middle Income Country (LMIC) | 0 € | 30 € | 60 € |
Non-Members | Early fees 11 May to 26 Aug |
Standard fees 27 Aug to 6 Oct |
Physicians | 200 € | 300 € |
In Training, Nurses & AHPs | 100 € | 150 € |
*From Low and Lower Middle Income Country (LMIC) | 50 € | 80 € |
Physician + (up to the end of 2021 + 2022 full membership) |
260 € | 360 € |
In Training, Nurses & AHPs + (up to the end of 2021 + 2022 full membership) |
170 € | 220 € |
*From Low and Lower Middle Income Country (LMIC) + (up to the end of 2021 + 2022 full membership) |
150 € | 180 € |
- Registrations for more than 10 (ten) participants will be handled separately as a group booking. Please contact the ESICM Registration Department by Email.
- We also offer free registration for Media representatives and Medical Students. Please send a valid document (press ID, Student ID) to the ESICM Registration Department by Email after you have submitted your online registration.
*Low and Lower Middle Income Country (LMIC), as per the World Bank classification.
If you are not yet a member of ESICM, there is no better time to join.
Join now! and benefit from this offer and all the other advantages membership of our global intensive care community brings.
More information about ESICM membership fees, HERE
Free Registration offer: until 10 May 2021, 23:59 CET
Early registration: until 26 August 2021, 23:59 CET
Standard registration: from 27 August 2021
Early registration: until 26 August 2021, 23:59 CET
Standard registration: from 27 August 2021
K.I.T. Group GmbH
Association & Conference Management
Kurfürstendamm 71
10709 Berlin
Tel: +49 (0)30 24 603 319
**** Important Alert ****
There are an increasing number of fraudulent websites and individuals that impersonate ESICM and our Annual Congress, but that are in no way associated with ESICM.
We would like to alert all our members and delegates to be aware of companies claiming to be ESICM partners and we strongly advise you to only use our official Congress registration partner, KIT.
Please also pay attention to fraudulent websites. There is only one ESICM LIVES Digital 2021 Website and ESICM’s only official provider of housing and registration is KIT Group GmbH.
ESICM will not accept any responsibility for bookings made via unofficial websites and agencies.
Opportunities & FAQ
Why support LIVES Digital 2021?
Our focus is on optimising the interaction between the faculty and audience to enhance the learning process for all our delegates.
We will be actively encouraging the exchange of knowledge between clinical practitioners, researchers, established investigators, physicians, nurses, allied health professionals, doctors in training and medical students, offering multiple interactive sessions and networking opportunities.
What are the expected educational outcomes?
In summary, LIVES Digital 2021 allows delegates to:
- update their knowledge
- discuss real life cases to help them diagnose and treat patients in their daily practice
- receive data and information about the latest research findings in Intensive Care
- take part in state-of-the art symposia to complement and complete their knowledge of Intensive Care
For questions regarding sponsorship and the ESICM LIVES 2021 Digital, please contact:
Joel Alexandre
Email address: Joel.alexandre@esicm.org
Elise Maquestiaux
ESICM Congress department
Email address: Elise.Maquestiaux@esicm.org
Official Italian Agency for AIFA Procedure
Any Italian pharmaceutical company supporting or participating in a congress abroad, is subjected to an authorization by AIFA (Italian Drug Agency), according to an Italian Government Decree (Decreto Legislativo 219/06 – art. 124: art.124_dl219_2006).
The request of authorization must be submitted within 60 days before the starting date of the event.
The appointed agency to collect all applications from pharmaceutical companies and file them with the AIFA is:
AIM Group International - AIM Education S.r.l.
Cristina Ghidoli
Via G. Ripamonti, 129
20141 Milan, Italy
Tel +39 02 56601.1
Fax +39 02-70048585
E-mail addresses: aifa@aimgroup.eu; c.ghidoli@aimgroup.eu
Still have some questions? Read our FAQ below.
Please contact registration@esicm-congress.org.
The industry registration allows access to the Industry Symposia, Industry Practical Tutorials sessions and the Industry Exhibition Hall.
The exhibition booths will be online until April 2022 on the congress platform of the ESICM Digital Congress 2021. The chat function will be disabled after the congress.
The webcast of the Industry Sessions will be available until April 2022 on the congress platform of the ESICM Digital Congress 2021.
Further to that, it will be available on ESICM's media library for 3 years.
Sponsors & Exhibitors
The ESICM would like to wholeheartedly thank the following companies who are entitled to be recognised as:
Sponsored Sessions
Industry Sponsored Sessions
Industry sessions, organised by leading medical device and pharmaceutical companies, provide delegates with an in-depth view of innovations, developments and progress related to intensive care.
These sessions are organised outside the scientific programme to provide delegates with an opportunity to attend. These sponsored programmes do not form part of the official scientific programme of LIVES.

08:30 - 09:00 ~ Practical Tutorial
