Sepsis, Severe Infections and Stewardship pathway – Kick off webinar

Last updated : 30/01/2025 - 424 views

Sepsis, Severe Infections and Stewardship pathway – Kick off webinar

Join us on Tuesday, 11 February 2025, 16:00 – 17:30 CET

The ESICM Sepsis, Severe Infections and Stewardship dynamic educational pathway is designed to take participants from foundational knowledge to expert-level practice. With a blended approach that combines self-learning, interactive teaching, and hands-on practice, this programme equips you with skills to tackle the challenges of sepsis and severe infections effectively.

This kick-off webinar marks the beginning of this educational journey. Core faculty members and founders of the pathway—representing diverse disciplines—will introduce the programme, outline its objectives, and inspire participants to embark on this learning experience.


16:00        Welcome and faculty introduction by Andrew CONWAY MORRIS and Jan DE WAELE

16:05        Presentation of the learning pathway by Andrew CONWAY MORRIS

16:15        The burden of infection and sepsis in ICU by Liesbet DE BUS

16:22        Sepsis – a (very) brief introduction by Ricard FERRER

16:29        Infection – the challenge of diagnosis by Anna WLUDARCZYK

16:36       Antibiotic therapy – powerful tool with major risks by Claire ROGER

16:43       Antibiotic prescribing – a cooks tour of the key consideration by Cathrine MCKENZIE

16:50       Sepsis, infection and stewardship – the ICU nurse’s role by Elsa AFONSO

16:57       Antimicrobial (and diagnostic) Stewardship – its everyone’s business by Jan DE WAELE

17:04       Faculty discussion

17:15       Next steps and Conclusions by  Andrew CONWAY MORRIS and Claire ROGER


Senior Lecturer in Nursing, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge (UK).

MRC Clinician Scientist, University of Cambridge; Honorary Consultant in Intensive Care Medicine, Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge (UK). Chair, ESICM Infection Section

Liesbet DE BUS
Department of Intensive Care Medicine, Ghent University Hospital and Department of Internal Medicine and Paediatrics, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Ghent University, Ghent (BE). 

Department of Critical Care Medicine, Ghent University Hospital and Associate Professor in Medicine at Ghent University, Ghent (BE); Sr. Clinical Investigator – FWO – Research Foundation Flanders. ESICM President.

Department Head of Intensive Care, Vall d’Hebron University Hospital; Head of Group SODIR, Vall d’Hebron Institute of Research, Barcelona (SP)

Consultant Pharmacist in Critical Care, Pharmacy and Critical Care, University Hospital Southampton (UK). Visiting Research Fellow, University of Southampton, School of Medicine (UK); Editor in Chief: Critical Illness; Lead ESICM ICU pharmacy professionals working group.

Claire ROGER
Head of the Surgical Intensive Care Unit, Nimes University Hospital, Nimes (FR). 

Department of Intensive Therapy and Anesthesiology, 5th Military Clinical Hospital, Kraków (PL).

The programme is supported by a grant from bioMérieux.
The programme has not been influenced in any way by its sponsor.