The programme offers a unique occasion to connect NEXT members with ESICM’s European network of experienced professionals.
Applications are now closed.
The programme will establish mentorship relations between ICM trainees or young specialists and international ICM experts.
Participate in the NEXT Mentoring Programme
Objectives of the ESICM NEXT Mentoring Programme:
To enhance and support a candidate’s research career and strengthen these mentees by:
Enhancing their research skills and productivity
Guidance and enhancing their clinical skills
Facilitating their professional development in all aspects
Supporting multicultural and diverse workforces
ESICM NEXT Mentoring Programme seeks…
Young talents, eager to expand their quantitative research methods and practices.
A mentee should possess:
A basic research and clinical knowledge
Problem-solving and innovation skills
Ability to work independently
Value research integrity and collaborative research
A high level of motivation
Good communication skills
Interpersonal skills
Who can apply to become a mentee?
All ESICM NEXT (NEXT Member are members of the Society ≤ 37years of age members) are eligible to apply for the ESICM NEXT Mentoring Programme.
Responsibilities of the Mentee:
A mentee is responsible for contacting his/her assigned mentor directly. The mentee will:
Participate in the mentor-mentee meetings either at the LIVES congresses or virtually for two consecutive years
Initiate contacts and schedule meetings with his/her mentor.
Prepare a specific agenda for each of these meetings, including career goals. Both mentors and mentees should take notes during the meeting to monitor the process and follow up on agreed-upon action plans (Activity Report).
Learn to evaluate the ideas and suggestions given to them by their mentor and be open to new ways of looking at situations and doing things differently.
You must be an ESICM member, ≤ 37years of age members.
Applications are now closed.
Selection Criteria and Matching Process:
In line with our mission, a mentee will be selected on the basis of research experience, academic and extra-curricular experiences, diversity and motivation/need for mentoring. The ESICM Next Committee will assess the applications and, together with the ESICM Research Committee, match the mentors and mentees.
Time commitments
The minimum requirement for this programme is for mentees and mentors to attend orientation meetings at least twice a year.
The extent of interaction can vary, from phone calls or internet meetings, to face-to-face meetings. The ESICM office, together with the NEXT Mentoring Programme Coordinator, will contact you every six months for evaluation purposes.
The NEXT-Mentoring Experience
Mentor Karin Amrein and Mentee Gennaro Martucci discuss their experiences with the NEXT-Mentoring project.
The Rationale for Mentoring
In this icTV interview, NEXT Committee Member Peter Schellongowski discusses the rationale for mentoring from the perspective of a mentor and a mentee and updates us on a new, novel initiative from the NEXT Committee: the NEXT-Mentoring Project.
NEXT Mentoring Update
Peter Schellongowski updates us on the newest initiative from NEXT for trainees and young specialists training in intensive care medicine.