Past webinars

Past webinars

Last updated : 01/10/2024 - 222 views

NEXT Webinar

“Tackling ICU acquired weakness with early mobilisation”

Date: Thurs 22nd June 2017
Time: 16:00 -17:00 CET
Presented by Thomas Staudinger and Steffen Weber-Carstens, this webinar will covered the following keypoints:

  • Risk factors and mechanisms of ICU acquired weakness
  • Impact on patients´ outcomes
  • Can it be counteracted with early mobilisation?
  • Practical aspects of mobilising critically ill patients
  • Recommendations: whom to mobilise how and how often?

This webinar will be available to ESICM members soon.

Partners Webinar

“Dynamic Measures: What is new in fluid management?”

Date: Monday June 12th, 2017
Time: 16:00 – 17:00
Presented by Drs Maurizio CECCONI and Jean-Louis TEBOUL

This webinar session will cover:

  • shock recognition
  • assessing fluid responsiveness
  • monitoring and therapeutic strategies

Supported by Cheetah Medical


Acute Kidney Injury Section

“AKI: More than just an ICU problem”

Date: Thurs June 1st, 2017
Time: 16:00 – 17:00
Presented by Drs Marlies OSTERMANN and Eric HOSTE, this session had the following aims:


  • To review the definition and epidemiology of AKI and AKD
  • To appreciate the short- and long-term effects of AKI
  • To review the latest consensus criteria of renal recovery
  • To appreciate the management strategies to improve renal recovery

N&AHP Webinar

“Families Visiting the ICU: a Blessing or a Curse?”

Date: Thurs May 18th, 2017
Time: 16:00 – 17:00
Presented by Jos LATOUR and Margo VAN MOL, this webinar discussed the following key points:

  • Visit the visiting policies: Why does diversity in European ICUs still exist?
  • Family members are not visitors: A resource rather than a hindrance
  • Integrating family and friends into the ICU improves patient and family outcome
  • Liberalisation of visiting policies: Cause of psychological distress for ICU staff?

Infection Section

“Optimising antibiotic therapy in the critically ill”

Date: Thurs 4th May 2017
Time: 11:00 am -12:00
Presented by Jason Roberts and moderated by Jan De Waele, this webinar covered the following keypoints:

  • What is effective antibiotic dosing?
  • Critical care pharmacokinetics
  • Critical care pharmacodynamics
  • Are we chronically underdosing in ICU?
  • How do we get better?

NEXT Webinar

“ECCO2-Removal for ultraprotective ventilation: Where do we stand?”

Date: Thurs 27th April 2017
Time: 16:00 – 17:00 CET
Presented by Brijesh PATEL and Alain COMBES and moderated by Peter SCHELLONGOWSKI, this webinar covered the following keypoints:

  • Techniques… Are they all the same?
  • What is ECCO2R?
  • How does it work?
  • Are there different systems?
  • When should we think about using this technique?
  • Rationale for ARDS
  • Rationale for COPD
  • What is the place of extracorporeal carbon dioxide in respiratory failure at this moment and what is to be expected in the future?
  • Current trials

Acute Respiratory Failure Section

“Steroids in Non-Resolving ARDS”

Date: Wed 5th April 2017
Time: 16:00-17:00
Presented by Speaker Djillali Annane and Moderator Claude Guerin, this webinar covered the following keypoints:

  • Alteration of endogenous cortisol response to ARDS
  • How do corticosteroids work?
  • Summary of clinical evidence for corticosteroids for ARDS
  • Practical use of corticosteroids in ARDS

Perioperative Intensive Care Section

“NOACs & Surgery – New Frontiers”

Date: 02 March 2017
Time: 16:00-17:00
Presented by Christian von Heymann and moderated by Marco Ranucci, this webinar covered the following keypoints:

  • What are NOACs?
  • When and why should we use them?
  • How should we use them?

Nurses and Allied Healthcare Professionals

 “Why aren’t we progressively mobile in spite of the evidence base?”

Presented by David McWilliams (Birmingham, UK) and moderated by Jos Latour (Plymouth University, UK), this webinar on 23 February 2017 discussed why rehab still appears limited despite a better evidence base for this than many other aspects of ICU care.

Trauma & Emergency Medicine Section

“Targeted Temperature Management after Cardiac Arrest”

Presented by Drs Michael Holzer, Austria and Hans Friberg, Sweden and moderated by Dr Jerry Nolan, United Kingdom.

Ethics Section

“Why do we need clinical ethics in the first place?”

Presented by Speaker Dr Andrej MICHALSEN (Germany) and Moderator Dr Rik GERRITSEN (The Netherlands).

MEN Section

“Acute on chronic liver failure – what the intensivist has to know”

Presented by Valentin Furhmann and Moderated by Tony Whitehouse

Infection Section

“Biomarkers in sepsis: How to apply in daily clinical practice?”

Presented by P Povoa, Portugal and Moderated by J Salluh, Brazil

Cardiovascular Dynamics Section

 Practical Use of Vasopressors in Septic Shock”

Presented by JL Teboul and Moderated by TW Scheeren

Acute Kidney Injury

RRT: When and How”

Presented by Lui FORNI and Moderated by Michael JOANNIDIS


Health Services Research & Outcome Section

 Infection control programmes and how to reach sustainable improvements over a long period”

Presented by Christina AGVALD-ÖHMAN and Moderated by Hans FLAATTEN

Perioperative Intensive Care Section

“Non-Pharmacological Prevention of Delirium”

Presented by A. SLOOTER and J. DEVLIN

Infection Section

Diagnosis and treatment of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP)”

Presented by A.Torres and P. Depuydt

Trauma and Emergency Medicine Section

Post-cardiac arrest management”

Presented by A. Cariou and C. Sandroni

Ethics Section

End-of-life care: how to reach and to implement decisions to limit life-sustaining therapy”

Presented by A. Michalsen and R. Gerritsen

Systemic Inflammation and Sepsis Section

“Sepsis: quo vadis”

Presented by C. Martin and I. Martin-Loeches

Neuro-Intensive Care Section

“ICP Management”

Presented by G. Meyfroidt and G. Citerio

Recording N/A

Acute Respiratory Failure Section

“Measurement of œsophageal pressure in ARDS”

Presented by D. Chiumello and L. Brochard

Recording N/A

Cardiovascular Dynamics Section

 “What’s New In Shock Management?”

Presented by D. De Backer and M. Cecconi