3rd EuroAsia Conference Taipei

Last updated : 08/11/2024 - 203 views

3rd EuroAsia Conference  Taipei


14-16 April 2019, Taipei – Sunworld Dynasty Hotel

Momentum surrounding our annual EuroAsia Conference has been building since our first outing to Hong Kong in 2017. This inter-continental gathering has very quickly become a major event to which intensivists travel, from both Asia and Europe.
We have decided to rotate a number of important destinations to be able reach out to more and more physicians, nurses and allied health practitioners, from all over Asia and beyond and this year’s location for EuroAsia 2019 will be the fascinating city of Taipei.

In collaboration with our colleagues representing the national societies of Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Thailand, South Korea and India, we have designed a comprehensive programme to fulfil professionals united in caring for lives.
Over 450 international delegates will come together for a highly-stimulating programme of discussion, debate, networking and learning. The expert faculty bring forth a wealth of experience and research from all corners of the globe.
Participants can attend three full days of master classes and scientific sessions to suit their needs. Main topics include haemodynamics, infection, neuro intensive care, nutrition, renal, respiratory, sedation, sepsis management, trauma and tropical diseases.

> Faculty List
> Final Programme
> Paper Final Programme
> Flyer

You will be able to register/collect your badges on site in Taipei on:
Saturday 13th April = 14:00-18:00
Sunday 14th April = 07:30-19:00
Monday 15th April = 08:30-19:00
Tuesday 16th April = 08:30-16:00


Presentation Guidelines
e-Poster Corners
Review Process

Scientific & Educational Programme

Final Programme
Master Classes
CME Accreditation


As of November 23
subject to change


Practical Information
Hotel Information


Sponsorship Opportunities
Exhibitors / Sponsors
Industry Sponsored Session


Registration Fees




Review Process

The submitted abstracts have been examined anonymously by the EuroAsia Reviewers and Committee. We thank the abstracts submitters and congratulate those selected. We also encourage the authors not selected to resubmit for LIVES 2019 in Berlin.

The authors have been informed of acceptance/rejection of their abstract by email on 14 February 2019. Presentation details have been sent on 25 February 2019. All abstracts selected for presentation at the Conference will be presented in e-poster form*. The website to upload e-posters will open by mid-March 2019.

* Presentation Guidelines


Abstract Sessions: details

9 e-Poster Corners Sessions on Sunday 14 April between 17:00-19:00 hrs

Acute renal failure and metabolism

Cardiovascular issues

ICU organisation and outcomes 1

ICU organisation and outcomes 2


Respiratory failure and mechanical ventilation

Sepsis and infections 1

Sepsis and infections 2

Trauma and neurointensive care

EuroAsia 2019 Abstract Awards

Three best abstracts have been selected by the Conference Committee to win a free registration for one of our forthcoming ESICM events (such as the LIVES Forum 2019, or LIVES 2019, or EuroAsia 2020).

Abstracts selected by the jury will be presented in our e-Poster Corner Sessions Respiratory failure and mechanical ventilation & Trauma and neurointensive care during the Conference on Sunday 14 April at 17:00-19:00 hrs:

Neurally adjusted ventilatory assist versus pressure support ventilation in patients weaning from mechanical ventilation
L. Liu (Nanjing, China)

Correlation between muscle specific micro RNA in plasma and diaphragmatic dysfunction in patients undergoing mechanical ventilation
X. Xiaoting (Nanjing, China)

Interaction effects between targeted temperature management and hypertension on survival outcomes after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: A national observational study from 2009 to 2016
R. hyunho (Gwangju, Korea, Republic of)

Abstract Reviewers

Once again, reviewers, who are top experts from a wide range of areas were tasked with ensuring the highest quality abstracts are selected and organised to create an interesting and varied cutting-edge scientific programme for EuroAsia 2019 in Taipei.
ESICM recognises and appreciates the important contributions of these busy specialists who offer their expertise and time to ensure that the programme for EuroAsia 2019 will not only meet, but surpass the scientific heights of past events.

Thank You to this amazing group of intensive care professionals: EuroAsia 2019 Abstract Reviewers


Submission of an abstract constitutes a formal commitment by the author to present the abstract in the session and at the time decided upon by the Congress Committee. One of the co-authors can take over if needed. Failure to present the abstract, for other than duly motivated reasons, will lead to rejection of abstract submission at the next EuroAsia Conference.

  • The presenting author of an accepted abstract must be registered to the Conference. Registration fees for the presenting author will not be waived.
  • All accepted abstracts will be presented in e-poster form. Instructions for e-poster will be sent to the corresponding authors after the review process.
  • It is the authors' responsibility to submit abstracts in perfect order with no errors in spelling and grammar. Abstracts will not be corrected.
  • EuroAsia does not accept case reports. Preference will be given to new and/or ongoing work.
  • Abstracts should not contain proprietary or confidential information.
  • The signing author certifies that any work with human or animal subjects related in this abstract complies with the guiding principles for experimental procedures as set forth in the Declaration of Helsinki and related publications.
  • Submitting an abstract also certifies that at the time of submission, the scientific material found within the abstract has not been presented at any other meeting and will not be published in other than abstract form prior to the EuroAsia Conference.

Failure to adhere to these rules will result in the automatic rejection of the abstract.


The abstract submission system closed on 20 January 2019. This abstract receipt deadline will remain firm and any abstracts received after the deadline will not be accepted. To contact support, send your question to email.

Scientific Programme

Scientific Programme & CME Accreditation

Educational Programme

ESICM offers to attend two of four different Master Classes on 14 April 2019 with extra registration fees of 20€ per Master Class (one in the morning and one in the afternoon).

Please note that there is a limited number of availability (100 pax/Master Class). We cannot guarantee your attendance without registration before. Registration will be made on "first come, first serve" basis.

Please choose the Master Class(es) you would like to book additionally. If you have any inquiries or questions, please do not hesitate to contact the ESICM Registration Department per telephone at +49 (0)30 24 603 319 or per email

  • Master Class - Sepsis management
  • Master Class - Mechanical ventilation: Applying physiology and RCTs in practice
  • Master Class - ECLS
  • Master Class - Haemodynamic monitoring: Individualised precision medicine



Industry Sponsors

Sponsorship Opportunities

The EuroAsia Conference offers numerous opportunities for sponsorship and networking.

For more information, or a copy of our 2019 Sponsorship Guide, please contact Joel Alexandre, CEO, Tel. +32 2 559 03 50 or email

This event is compliant with the MedTech Europe Code of Ethical Business Practice.

The ESICM would like to wholeheartedly thank the following companies who are entitled to be recognised as:

Major Sponsor:





Industry Sponsored Session

Exhibition Map - 2nd Floor



Practical information


You will be able to register on site in Taipei on:
Saturday 13th April = 14:00-18:00
Sunday 14th April = 07:30-19:00
Monday 15th April = 08:30-19:00
Tuesday 16th April = 08:30-16:00
The registration deadlines are as follows:
  • Early registration deadline: 4 March 2019, 23:59 CET
  • Late registration deadline: 26 March 2019, 23:59 CET
  • On site registration fees: from 27 March 2019

If you have any inquiries or questions, please do not hesitate to contact the ESICM Registration Department per telephone at +49 (0)30 24 603 319 or per email

Core Conference without Master Class (14-16 April 2019)

Until 4 March 2019

From 22 Feb to 26 March 2019

From 27 March 2019




On site


480 €

610 €

680 €

Young Physician**

230 €

300 €

370 €

Nurse/Allied Healthcare Professional

150 €

190 €

260 €

ESICM/Asian Societies Member*



On site


340 €

420 €

500 €

Young Physician**

130 €

170 €

210 €

Nurse/Allied Healthcare Professional

90 €

120 €

160 €

From Taiwan & China



On site


85 €

115 €

155 €

Low income countries/Lower middle income countries



On site


310 €

380 €

480 €

Young Physician**

100 €

150 €

190 €

Nurse/Allied Healthcare Professional

80 €

120 €

160 €

* CSCCM (China), HKSCCM (Hong Kong), ISCCM (India), JSICM (Japan), KSCCM (South Korea), TSECCM (Taiwan), TSCCM (Taiwan), TACCN (Taiwan), TSCCM (Thailand)
** Born on or after 01 January 1989

Day Tickets (to be purchased from 27 March 2019) 

Physician = 370 €
Young Physician = 210 €
Nurse/Allied Healthcare Professional = 160 €

Master Classes on 14 April 2019

ESICM offers to attend two of four different Master Classes on 14 April 2019 with extra registration fees of 20€ per Master Class (one in the morning and one in the afternoon).

Please note that there is a limited number of availability (100 pax/Master Class). We cannot guarantee your attendance without registration before. Registration will be made on "first come, first serve" basis.

Please choose the Master Class(es) you would like to book additionally. If you have any inquiries or questions, please do not hesitate to contact the ESICM Registration Department per telephone at +49 (0)30 24 603 319 or per email


April 14-16, 2019

Conference venue
The conference will take place at the:

Sunworld Dynasty Hotel
No. 100, Dunhua North Road, Songshan District , 10549 Taipei

Conference Map

Conference Hours: details

Conference Department
For all information regarding the Conference, please contact:

European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM)
Rue Belliard 19
1040 Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32 (0)2 559 03 50

EuroAsia 2019 -c/o K.I.T. Group GmbH
Association and Conference Management Group
Kurfürstendamm 71
10709 Berlin, Germany
Tel: +49 (0)30 24 603 319

K.I.T. Group GmbH, the official organising secretariat of EuroAsia 2019 is a MedTech Europe Trusted Partner and is committed to comply with MedTech Europe’s ethical standards.

Conference Language
The official language of the Conference is English.


The Welcome Reception & Abstract Sessions will be held on Sunday 14 April 2019 at 17:00 in the Foyer of 2nd Floor, Sunworld Dynasty Hotel.


ESICM has reserved hotel rooms at the Sunworld Dynasty Hotel Taipei with special rates for conference delegates.

Please fill in the hotel reservation form and send it by email before 12 March 2019.