General Information


30 April - 28 May 2021

How will it work

At the kick-off webinar, participating teams will be assigned 3 clinical questions. They will have to figure out a way to interrogate the AmsterdamUMCdb database to provide an innovative solution to the problems.

They will have the opportunity to present their work on Friday, May 28 and hopefully win a free entrance to the ESICM 2021 LIVES Congress.

Who can participate

Registrations are possible as individuals or as pre-formed teams.

To make the experience more productive and satisfying for everybody, we advise subscribers to possess the following skills: if you’re a clinician, some real experience in ICU; if you’re a data scientist, proficiency in R / Python / SQL queries, and a background in machine learning, statistical modeling, or data visualization.

Not only established professionals, we welcome residents, student and trainees with a background in one of the above fields to participate!


Places to participate in the Datathon are now sold out.

We welcome you to attend the final mini-symposium on May 28, which will be live streamed and include keynote presentations from renowned experts.