EDEC Registration Process

Last updated : 20/12/2022 - 42 views

Registration Process for EDEC

All candidates must meet the requirements for registration and have their registration accepted before they are fully registered for EDEC certification. The EDEC Guidelines will give more information on the examination process, as well as the requirements to sit the exams including the definitions of supervisor and mentor.

Registration fees

  • ESICM Members: EUR 700
  • non ESICM Members: EUR 1150

Fees include access to the ESICM logbook, free access to specialised EDEC webinars and to the ESICM one-day Clinical Course, and participation in the EDEC examinations.

Admission to the EDEC Advanced course at LIVES and other additional external training courses are not included in this fee.

1. Application Process (creation of your personal EDEC profile)

Any full-time recognised intensivist who attended a basic course in echocardiography in the last two years can apply for EDEC. It will be required to document your position as a full-time intensivist and to provide a certificate of attendance for the basic course. Also you will need to identify potential local mentor(s) and supervisor(s).

New Candidates / not an ESICM user: Please create an ESICM account and complete the EDEC application form in My ESICM/My EDEC/EDEC Profile

New Candidates / ESICM user: Please complete the EDEC application form in My ESICM/My EDEC/EDEC Profile

As a final step in the application process, provisional payment (via credit card) must be provided. Please note that ESICM will only process the charges once the application is accepted.*

*Some financial institutions may provisionally deduct the fee immediately upon entering the credit card data during registration, however these funds are held by the individual bank – not ESICM, so any issues must be resolved by the candidate with their own bank.

2. Validation Process

Candidates will be informed by email of their acceptance to the EDEC curriculum.

When notification of acceptance is received, EDEC candidates have a 24-month period to meet the requirements for validation, which are:

  • Participation in advanced echocardiography courses for a minimum of 40 points, including mandatory participation in the EDEC Advanced course organised by ESICM (12 points).
    The remaining 28 points can be collected as follows:
    • ESICM EDEC webinars (lectures / case discussions) – One point per session – more information available here
    • Participation in other advanced echocardiography courses recognised by EDEC
  • Completion of the ESICM logbook* within a 24-month period (from enrollment date)
  • Validation from the EDEC supervisoral board prior to exam participation

3. Registration to the exams

Following validation of their logbook, candidates will be informed by email of the forthcoming exams (registration included in the initial EDEC fees).

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