April 2, 2020

Thursday 02 April 16.00-17.00 hrs CEST

How to ventilate COVID-19 patients


This week’s COVID-19 webinar brings together two experts in respiratory failure, advanced mechanical ventilation, non-invasive lung imaging and monitoring, who will discuss how best to ventilate COVID-19 patients.

The experts:

Prof. Claude GUERIN, is Professor of Intensive Care Medicine at L’hôpital Edouard Herriot in Lyon, France. He is affiliated to the Mondor Institute of Biomedical Research at Paris East University INSERM 955 Team 13 in Créteil, France. His main research interests are respiratory physiology applied to patients receiving mechanical ventilation in the ICU, Lung imaging (Electrical impedance tomography), ARDS and Prone Position. Professor Guérin is former Deputy Chair of the ESICM Acute Respiratory Failure (ARF) Section and a member of the Board of Reviewers of the Intensive Care Medicine journal.

Dr Luigi CAMPOROTA is a consultant intensivist at Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London – one of the largest ICUs in the UK and the largest of only five nationally-commissioned ARF centres in the UK. He is an Honorary Senior Lecturer in critical care in the Division of Asthma, Allergy & Lung Biology at King’s College, London, and an associate editor of the journal of the National Intensive Care Society of the UK (JRCS). Luigi has a PhD in airway and lung biology and has been part of an international task force that re-defined the clinical criteria for ARDS.

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