Respiratory drive and effort in daily practice

Join us today, 16:00 – 17:00 CEST
The primary objective of respiration is to maintain a balanced gas exchange. This goal is achieved by tight control of respiration by regulating the respiratory centre. The intensity and speed of the response depend on feedback from four input sources: biochemical, mechanical, emotional, and inflammatory. Conversely, technological and procedural advances in mechanical ventilation are essential in increasing survival in the intensive care unit, mainly those related to monitoring and maintaining synchrony between ventilator support and respiratory muscle activity.
To know more about this listen to our experts discussion.
This webinar is organised by the ESICM Acute Respiratory Failure Section.
Aims & Objectives
- Learn about the physiological aspects of respiratory drive and effort
- Discuss bedside techniques to monitor drive and effort
- To explain why and how to modulate respiratory drive
Topics & SpeakersÂ
Respiratory drive and effort: the physiological aspects
Domenico GRIECO
Fondazione Policlinico A. Gemelli IRCCS, Catholic University of The Sacred Heart, Rome (IT)
Bedside techniques to monitor drive and effortÂ
Toronto Western Hospital, University Health Network, Toronto (CA)
Modulating respiratory drive: why and how?
Annemijn JONKMAN
Intensive Care Volwassenen, Erasmus MC, Rotterdan (NL)
Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen (NL)