Caring for a potential organ donor in ICU

Last updated : 06/06/2024 - 98 views

Caring for a potential organ donor in ICU

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Caring for potential organ donors in the ICU requires a holistic and compassionate approach prioritising the patient’s well-being, family, and healthcare team.

As part of end-of-life care, the primary goal is to provide optimal medical care to the patient while maintaining organ viability for donation. Organ donation also has complex ethical, legal, and medical considerations. It is essential to ensure all ICU care necessary for carrying out an ethical donation process following established protocols and guidelines. Join the webinar and learn more from the experts’ talk. 

This webinar is organised by the ESICM Ethics Section.

Aims & Objectives

  • To discuss the Ethical considerations of organ donation
  • To explain Death by neurological criteria around the world – one size doesn’t fit all
  • To learn about the common pitfalls in communication and how to address them

Topics & Speakers 

Ethical considerations – more than distributive justice
Spanish National Transplant Organisation, Madrid (SP)

Death by neurological criteria around the world – one size doesn’t fit all 
Walsh University and Aultman Health Foundation, North Canton, Ohio (US)

Common pitfalls in communication and how to address them
Italian Society of Anaesthesia, Analgesia, Resuscitation and Intensive Care, Turin (IT)


Leeuwarden Medical Centre, Leeuwarden (NL)