First testimonials from the C19_SPACE community

Here the stories of this week
Dear C19_SPACE friends,
We would like to thank you for sharing your first testimonials with us!
The stories of this week come from Croatia, Greece and the United Kingdom.
Through the C19_SPACE programme, funded by the EU, ESICM has held a helping hand in these difficult times, but it would not have been possible without your commitment and your endeavours to protect European citizens.
Now more healthcare workers may assist their colleagues in the ICUs with the burden they have been carrying for a year now.
In the upcoming weeks, we will share more of the success stories from the C19_SPACE community!
We encourage you to continue the C19_SPACE programme and share it with anyone who can benefit from it. The programme will remain open until Mid-May.
For more information, don’t hesitate to contact the helpline, Tel. +32 2 881 04 42 or write to