LIVES C19 Marathon

LIVES C19 Marathon – ICU COVID Best Practices
Directors: Maurizio CECCONI MD FRCA FFICM MD(Res), ESICM President, Head of the Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Department at the Humanitas Research Hospital, Milan, Italy, and Professor of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care at the Humanitas University, Milan.
Élie AZOULAY, MD, PhD, President-elect of the ESICM, Professor of Medicine, Specialty Pulmonary Medicine at the Paris Diderot University and Critical Care Director of the Medical ICU of the Saint Louis Teaching Hospital, Paris, France.
Since the pandemic outbreak, ESICM continues to facilitate cooperation and information dissemination to encourage and strengthen the intensive care community worldwide. The LIVES C19 Marathon was a live, digital event on the ICU COVID-19 best practices and lessons learnt during the past year.
The Marathon run for eight hours to provide intensive care professionals with insights into improving their daily practice. 38 experts from 5 continents shared their experience and debated management of respiratory failure, cardiovascular involvement, long term effects of the virus, antimicrobials, neurological involvement, implications for patients and families and how to rebuild the future.
With special thanks to all the speakers for their willingness to participate in this LIVES C19 Marathon Webinar despite their heavy workloads.
The LIVES C19 Marathon, Brussels, Belgium, 22/05/2021-22/05/2021 has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 8 European CME credits (ECMEC®s). Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.
Social media: @ESICM #LIVESC19 #COVID19
General Information
General Information
Why a digital marathon
In March 2020, two weeks after the WHO assessment of COVID-19 as a pandemic, ESICM united more than 130,000 health care professionals from 160 different countries, for a digital marathon on COVID-19.
LIVES C19 marathon is an eight-hour LIVE digital event that aims at bringing together a wide international audience, boosting best practice exchange and tackling together the hot intensive care topics related to patients suffering from COVID-19.
When and where
22 May, 2021, from 14:00 - 22:00 CEST.
The event will be streamed live on ESICM social media channels (Facebook and YouTube) and on the ESICM TV.
Key reasons to attend
- Meet a high-level faculty
- Improve your daily practice and acquire new perspectives on developing and research
- To review the current knowledge of the epidemiology and pathophysiology of COVID-19
- To share main challenges, lessons learnt and recent studies on COVID-19 from all around the world
Programme content
You can consult the full programme here.
CME Accreditation
CME Accreditation
Accredited Continuing Medical Education (CME) is an essential component of continuing physician professional development. Accreditation is of utmost importance - both as proof of the top quality of the congress's scientific content and as an opportunity for delegates to collect their CME credit points.
The LIVES C19 Marathon, Brussels, Belgium, 22/05/2021-22/05/2021 has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 8 European CME credits (ECMEC®s). Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.
How does it work?
- Delegates can exchange their EACCME credits for National CME credits in their home country;
- Physicians may have their EACCME credits converted to AMA PRA Category 1 Credit by applying to the American Medical Association at
IMPORTANT! If you wish to receive the certificate with CME credits please ensure that you follow the registration instructions below during the event:
- The event will be streamed on ESICM social media channels (Facebook and YouTube) and on the ESICM TV. To be entitled to CME credits, you must connect to the ESICM TV
- On the ESICM TV, you will be asked to fill in a short form. With this registration, you will also be able to send questions to our experts via the chat
- At the end of the event, you will have to complete the satisfaction survey at a link which we will send to your email address
Scientific Programme
Scientific Programme
LIVES C19 Marathon will be an eight-hour digital event streamed on ESICM social media (Facebook and YouTube) and on the ESICM TV.
The event will start at 14:00 CEST and will feature discussions and interviews with a host of international experts.
It will be an occasion to share best practices and lessons learned and talk about challenges and opportunities to rebuild the future.
Registration Information

LIVES C19 Marathon will be streamed free on ESICM social media channels (Facebook and YouTube) and on the ESICM TV.
On the ESICM TV, you will be asked to fill in a short form. With this registration, you will also be able to send questions to our experts via the chat
Registration to the ESICM TV will also allow you to claim CME credits after completing a satisfaction survey at a link which we will send to your email address.
More information about the CME accreditation, here.