6th Digital Critical Care Datathon,

17 May – 21 June, 2024


A critical care Datathon is an event where multidisciplinary teams and international experts join forces to investigate clinical questions using large datasets of electronic health records.

In addition, they have the chance to expand their knowledge of data, learn new ways to answer clinical questions and create connections!

The sixth edition of the ESICM Critical Care Datathon will happen digitally, between 17 May and 21 June. The three top teams will have a chance to present their work during the Grand Finale and at ESICM’s Annual Congress, LIVES 2024 Barcelona.

The Datathon is organised by ESICM Data Science Section and Amsterdam UMC.

12 teams (Maximum number of participants per team is 12)

  • Application is possible as a team or as an individual participant. Individuals will be assigned to a team.
    Each participant shoud have a working google account (gmail).
  • Each team should have at least one person skilled in Intensive care medicine, machine learning or advanced statistical modelling, SQL and python or R.
  • All teams should write an abstract of their work before the second Progress Session.

Clinicians in critical care, anesthesia or emergency medicine, data scientists, engineers, statisticians, policymakers and innovators. Not only established professionals, we welcome residents, student and trainees with a background in one of the above fields to participate!

Please log in or create an account before purchasing. Login | Click here to create an account !

AmsterdamUMCdb will be used as the database

  • Access will be through Big Query on the Google Cloud Platform.
  • Coding is on Google Colab Notebooks using Python.
  • R is possible but support will be limited.

The AmsterdamUMCdb github will provide a tutorial and a FAQ.

  • Application is possible as a team or as an individual participant. Individuals will be assigned to a team.
  • Each team should have at least one person skilled in Intensive care medicine, machine learning or advanced statistical modelling, SQL and python or R.
  • All teams should write an abstract of their work before the second Progress Session.

Slack will be used to provide support

  • Encourage participants to raise Github issues for support questions of general interest

May 17, 2024: Kick-Off Webinar (only for participants)

May 24, 2024: Progress session 1 (only for participants)
All teams to present their ideas and progress
Discussion and support after each presentation

June 7, 2024 : Progress session 2 (only for participants)
All teams to present their ideas and progress
Discussion and support after each presentation

After this session, the best teams will be selected for the Grand Finale

June 21, 2024 : Grand Finale (Open to all – available on LIVES-STREAM)

We are delighted to announce the Datathon 2024 winners :

1st place – Team Clusterdocs – Phenotypes
Laurens Biesheuvel – Floor Hiemstra – Paul Hilders – Lada Lijovic – Martijn Otten – Marcel Van der Kuil

2nd place – Team Faint – Phenotypes
Wouter De corte – Klest Dedja – Robbe D’hondt -Alireza Gharahighehi – Achilleas Ghinis – Pedro Ilidio -Felipe Kenji Nakano – Henri Van Overmeire – Celine Vens – Michela Venturini

3rd place – Team ABO7 – Phenotypes
Peter Bakos – Zouheir Bitar – Ivan Blokhin – Anastasiya Rahulina – Ligia-Iulia Torsin


All the teams will be presented at LIVES 2024 – Don’t miss it!