Collaborative Centres of Expertise in Intensive Care
Last updated : 12/12/2024 - 497 views
We wish to acknowledge all our collaborators, experts and their respective collaborative centres of expertise in Intensive Care, who host annually the ESICM fellows or accommodate the development of immersive activities. Our heartfelt gratitude for their invaluable support and help with the development and delivery of Intensive Care training.
Fellowships reinforce what is being learned through bedside training. This is an opportunity for the participants who have achieved a sufficient level of both attendance and assessment performance to undertake fellowships in specific areas of intensive care, gaining bedside teaching from experts at globally renowned health sciences centres. Fellowships last 1 week and come with a bursary of 1000 EUR to support travel and accommodation at the site.
Immersive activities are regularly developed for education and training purposes to ensure application, simulation and integration of skills and behaviours.
Exciting news for 2025! The following fellowships have been approved so far:
Fellowship opportunities are enriching for fellows, tutors and hosting centres alike. A total of 115 fellowships were approved in 2024 and 76 in 2023.
We wish to thank them all as well as our sponsors for supporting us!
Stay tuned! More information coming soon!
Acute Respiratory Failure
Fellowship centres and mentors:
Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge, Barcelona, Spain – Oriol ROCA and the local team
Antimicrobial Stewardship
Fellowship centres and mentors:
Hospital de São Francisco Xavier, CHLO, Lisbon, Portugal – Pedro POVOA, Claudia MARTINS and the local team
Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Oxford, United Kingdom & University Hospital Southampton, Southampton , United Kingdom – Cathrine MCKENZIE and the local team & Daniele GIUDICI and the local team
University Hospital Carémeau Nimes, University Nimes, Nimes France – Claire ROGER and the local team
University Hospital OWL, Evangelisches Klinikum Bielefeld, Bielefeld Germany – Hendrik BRACHT and the local team
Thanks to the unrestricted educational sponsorship from bioMérieux.
Fellowship Centres & Mentors:
Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom – Nicholas BARRETT & DE BACKER Daniel, and the local team
Patient safety
Fellowship centres and mentors:
Radboud University Medical Centre, Nijmegen, The Netherlands & Albert Schweitzer Hospital, Dordrecht, The Netherlands – Ralph SO and the local team & Rutger VERHAGE and the local team
Thanks to the unrestricted educational sponsorship from PHILIPS.
Renal Replacement Therapy
Fellowship Centres & Mentors
Santa Chiara Regional Hospital, APSS – University of Trento, Trento, Italy – Silvia DE ROSA and the local team
Transforming patient pathway, workflow & outcome
Fellowship Centres & Mentors :
Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Careggi, Firenze, Italy – Stefano ROMAGNOLI and the local team
Cambridge University Hospitals, Cambridge, United Kingdom – Iain GOODHART and the local team
Clínico Universitario de Valencia, Valencia, Spain & La Fe Hospital, Valencia, Spain – Rafael BADENES, Berta MONLEÓN LÓPEZ and the local team & Oscar DÍAZ-CAMBRONERO and the local team
Vall d’Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, Spain – Ricard FERRER and the local team
Virtual Reality Experience (VRE) Projects
Advanced IC Echocardiography
Virtual Reality Experience Centre: Dupuytren Teaching Hospital, Medical-surgical Intensive Care Unit, Limoges, France
Local experts: Philippe VIGNON and his local team
External expert: Antoine HERPAIN, Experimental Laboratory of Intensive Care, Erasme University Hospital – HUB, ULB, Department of Intensive Care, St-Pierre University Hospital, ULB, Brussels, Belgium
Antimicrobial Stewardship
Virtual Reality Experience Centre: University Hospital Ghent, Belgium
Local experts:
Kimberley CLAUS
Liesbet DE BUS
Matthijs OYAERT
External experts:
Enrique CASTRO-SANCHEZ ~ Brunel University London; Imperial Colleg London, United Kingdom)
Andrew CONWAY MORRIS ~ University of Cambridge; Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Nathan D NIELSEN ~ University of New Mexico School of Medicine, Albuquerque, United States
Bryan O’FARRELL ~ Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, Pharmacy Dept, London, United Kingdom
Jeroen SCHOUTEN ~ Radboud University Medical Centre, Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Virtual Reality Experience Centre: Humanitas Research Hospital & Mario Luzzatto Simulation Centre, Humanitas University, Rozzano (Milano), Italy
Local experts:
Stefania BRUSA
Massimiliano GRECO
External expert:
Marta Velia ANTONINI, ECMO Team – AUSL Romagna; Department of Biomedical, Metabolic and Neural Sciences, University of Modena & Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy
Federico BARRA, “Maggiore della Carità” University Hospital; SIMNOVA Simulation Center, Università del Piemonte Orientale, Novara, Italy
Victoria Anne BENNETT, Queen Victoria Hospital, United Kingdom
Carole BOULANGER, Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom
Lennie DERDE, University Medical Centre Utrecht, The Netherlands
Jonathan DOWNHAM, United Hospitals Birmingham, United Kingdom
Frantisek DUSKA, Charles University and FNKV University Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic
Alessandro GALAZZI, Foundation IRCCS Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Milan, Italy
Martina GASSNER, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany
Patricia MCCREADY, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom
Johannes MELLINGHOFF, University of Brighton, United Kingdom
Stefan SCHALLER, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany
Virtual Reality Experience Centre: University Hospitals Leuven, Belgium
Local experts:
Local team
Dieter DAUWE
Leen VERCAEMST (EuroElso)
Fungal Sepsis
Virtual Reality Experience Centre: Hôpital Saint-Louis, APHP. Université de Paris, Paris, France
Local experts:
Julien LE ROY
External experts:
Carole BOULANGER, Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom
Liesbet DE BUS, Department of Critical Care Medicine, Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium
Cathy McKENZIE, Pharmacy and Critical Care, University Hospital Southampton, Southampton S016, London, United Kingdom
David NORA, São Francisco Xavier Hospital, Centro Hospitalar De Lisboa Ocidental, Lisbon, Portugal; NOVA Medical School, CHRC, New University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
Pedro POVOA, São Francisco Xavier Hospital, Centro Hospitalar De Lisboa Ocidental, Lisbon, Portugal, NOVA Medical School, CEDOC, New University of Lisbon, Portugal,
Jeroen SCHOUTEN, Radboud University Medical Centre, Nijmegen, the Netherlands
General IC Ultrasound
Virtual Reality Experience Centre: Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Germany
Local experts:
Claudia SPIES
Agustin LIOTTA
Frederike HARTMANN
External experts:
Adrian WONG, King’s College Hospital, United Kingdom
Ahmed ZAHER, Oxford University hospitals NHS foundation trust, United Kingdom
Virtual Reality Experience Centre: Medical Intensive Care Unit, Bicêtre Hospital, AP-HP | Paris-Saclay University, France
Local experts:
Christopher LAI
Local team
External experts:
Karima ALOUAZEN, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV), Lausanne, Switzerland
Michelle CHEW, Linköping University Hospital, Linköping, Sweden
Antonio MESSINA, Humanitas Clinical and Research Center – IRCCS, Rozzano (Milano), Italy
Mechanical Ventilation
Virtual Reality Experience Centre: University Hospitals Leuven, Belgium
Local expert: Greet HERMANS
External experts:
Lise PIQUILLOUD IMBODEN, Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland
Guillaume CARTEAUX, APHP – Henri Mondor University Hospital & Paris Est Créteil University, France
Rémi COUDROY, CHU de Poitiers & Université de Poitiers, France
Martin DRES, APHP. Sorbonne University & Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, France
Renal replacement therapy
Virtual Reality Experience Centre: Bicêtre Hospital, Medical Intensive Care Unit, Paris-Saclay University Hospitals, France
External experts:
Karima ALOUAZEN, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV), Lausanne, Switzerland
Silvia DE ROSA, Centre for Medical Sciences – CISMed, University of Trento, Italy
Marlies OSTERMANN, Guy’s & St Thomas Hospital, London, United Kingdom
Thomas RIMMELÉ, Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Edouard Herriot Hospital, Lyon, France
Antoine SCHNEIDER, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV), Lausanne, Switzerland