The Advanced Course (integration and simulation) in ECLS/ECMO provides participants with a solid view of ECLS/ECMO with a focus on weaning from VV ECMO and VA ECMO, patient-related VA ECMO complications (differential oxygenation – limb ischaemia – LV overload), and awake ECMO (potential benefits and pitfalls). This e-Course is part of a joint EuroELSO & ESICM programme to provide specialised training in extracorporeal techniques to healthcare professionals interested in the field. Certificates may be validated at EuroELSO on the path to the ELSO Adult ECMO Practitioner Certification (E-AEC). After registering, ensure you access the dedicated online classroom on the ESICM Academy.
Daniel DE BACKER MD, PHD Head of Intensive Care and Emergency Departments, CHIREC Hospitals, Belgium, Professor of Intensive Care Medicine, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium
Leen VERCAEMST RN, ECCP, University Hospital Leuven, Belgium, EBCP-EuroELSO Liaison, Member of the EBCP Scientific Committee & EuroELSO Steering Committee
Dieter DAUWE MD, PhD, Cardiologist – Intensivist UZ Leuven, Assistant Professor KU Leuven, Belgium
Jan BĚLOHLÁVEK MD PhD, Cardiologist, intensivist, Chief Physician, 2nd Department of Internal Medicine – Clinic of Cardiology and Angiology, First Faculty of Medicine Charles University in Prague and General University Hospital in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic; Past President of EuroELSO
By the end of this course the participant will be able to understand and explain:
The indications and challenges of ‘non-standard’ ECMO configurations (V-AV, V-P, high flow configurations, V-A with subclavian return line, …)
Role of imaging for safe ECMO cannulation and troubleshooting, focus on ultrasound
ECMO for respiratory support:
Ventilator management and potential role for prone positioning during VV-ECMO support
Management of suboptimal oxygenation during VV-ECMO support
Weaning from VV-ECMO support
ECCO2R: Evidence, indications and techniques
ECMO for adult cardiac failure:
Assessment and treatment of complications secondary to Patient – VA-ECMO Interactions:
Focus on left heart congestion and ventriculo-arterial uncoupling: Including extensive discussion on medical and surgical left heart unloading strategies
Other: Differential oxygenation, Limb ischemia
VA-ECMO versus other short-term circulatory support devices (Impella, IABP, …)
Weaning from VA-ECMO support (including echocardiography assessment)
ECMO for refractory cardiac arrest (ECPR):
Indications and contra-indications
Post resuscitation care and neuro prognostication on ECMO
How to organize an ECPR programme?
The potential circuit complications and how to prevent and/or intervene
Drainage insufficiency
Return obstruction
Air embolism
Pump failure
Membrane lung failure
Gas supply failure
Accidental decannulation and circuit disruption
Varia: “Capita Selecta” and “Short Topics”:
Procedures on ECMO
Drug pharmacokinetics during ECMO support
Intra and inter hospital Transportation on ECMO
Awake ECMO: Potential benefits and pitfalls (physiotherapy, sedation…)
Clinical case session will be based on the content of the given talks related to the clinical case. It is the goal for the participant to recognize phenomena and direct the therapy into the optimal direction
Programme Content
The ECMO circuit:
Indications and challenges of ‘non-standard’ ECMO configurations (V-AV, V-P, high flow configurations, V-A with subclavian return line, …)
Cannulation for adult cardiac and respiratory ECMO:
Role of imaging for safe ECMO cannulation and troubleshooting, focus on ultrasound
ECMO for adult respiratory failure:
Ventilator management and potential role for prone positioning during VV-ECMO support
Management of suboptimal oxygenation during VV-ECMO support
Weaning from VV-ECMO support
ECCO2R: Evidence, indications and techniques
ECMO for adult cardiac failure:
Assessment and treatment of complications secondary to Patient – VA-ECMO Interactions:
Focus on left heart congestion and ventriculo-arterial uncoupling: Including extensive discussion on medical and surgical left heart unloading strategies
Other: Differential oxygenation, Limb ischemia
VA-ECMO versus other short term circulatory support devices (Impella, IABP, …)
Weaning from VA-ECMO support (including echocardiography assessment)
ECMO for refractory cardiac arrest (ECPR):
Indications and contra-indications
Postresuscitation care and neuro prognostification on ECMO
How to organize an ECPR program ?
Varia: “Capita Selecta” and “Short Topics”:
Procedures on ECMO
Drug pharmacokinetics during ECMO support
Intra and inter hospital Transportation on ECMO
Awake ECMO: Potential benefits and pitfalls (physiotherapy, …)
Circuit complications
A total of 5 fellowships will be conducted in centres around Europe, giving fellows the opportunity to experience ECLS/ECMO in real-life settings and learn directly from experts. Fellowship-related costs (accommodation and travel) up to 1000 EUR/fellow will be reimbursed by ESICM.
Eligibility for fellowships:
Must be a member of the ESICM (so join us now if not already a member!)
Must attend at least 2 levels of the ECLS/ECMO pathway within 1 year
Fellowships will be awarded on basis of attendance at the course and highest performance in the post-course evaluation.
Fellowship center and mentor:
Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom – Nicholas BARRETT and the local team (February 24-28, 2025)
Note! Priority will be given to those participants who haven’t benefitted from a fellowship on this topic before.
Senior physicians involved or interested in ECMO
Perfusionists and Nurses involved in ECMO or interested in respiratory vs circulatory support
Support Emerging Nations and Eastern Europe
ESICM members from the Emerging Nations and Eastern Europe (see list of countries here) are entitled to an discount on registration fees. To qualify, participants must be active ESICM members for the current year. To become a member, please see more information here.
An application will be made to the UEMS EACCME® for CME accreditation of this event.
Highlights of previous editions
2023 edition
63 participants from 28 countries integrated their knowledge in ECLS/ECMO in this Advanced Master Course! Here are some of their comments on this innovative educational format and its expected impact on their clinical practice:
ECLS-ECMO is an evolving field, and master courses may include discussions on the latest research, technological advancements, and clinical guidelines. Staying up-to-date with current trends can help participants integrate the latest evidence-based practice.
The quality of the presentations. I loved the quiz activity too!
Prior to attending this lecture, my understanding and grasp of ECMO, as well as its associated physics, were quite limited. However, I have come to realise that my knowledge has significantly improved as a result of this informative session.
The academic basis followed by interactive real-life clinical cases
Previously, I had not been able to handle ECMO effectively in my hospital. However, now I am eagerly anticipating the opportunity to work with it.