Prepare your abstracts for LIVES 2020!

Last updated : 12/03/2020 - 15 views

Prepare your abstracts for LIVES 2020!

LIVES 2020 – Madrid: have you submitted your abstract yet?


The abstract submission platform for LIVES 2020 Madrid will be closing on 14 April. Have you submitted your abstract yet?

Authors of abstracts eventually selected by our jury will be invited to present their original research live at the congress and could be eligible for one of several prestigious ESICM awards for the best abstracts of the congress. Categories include ‘Best Abstract’; ‘Best N&AHP Abstract’ and ‘Best ISF (International Sepsis Forum) Abstract’.

Recipients of these awards receive free entry to next year’s annual congress, LIVES 2021, as well as a financial prize to go towards their travel and accommodation.

Instructions and terms and conditions are found on our webpage LIVES 2020 Abstract Awards

>> Learn More about LIVES 2020