What’s new in RRT? Replay available

Organised by the ESICM Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) Section, this free webinar discussed different aspects of renal replacement therapy (RRT) and continuous RRT (CRRT) prescription in critically ill patients with severe AKI, sepsis, and multiorgan failure in the ICU.
Learning Outcomes:
By watching this webinar, you will broaden your understanding of:
• when to start and when to stop RRT
• how to optimise CRRT performance by establishing clear protocols
• the different aspects of CRRT prescription in sepsis.
The experts:
Dr Sean BAGSGAW. Clinician Scientist, Chair and Associate Professor of Critical Care Medicine, Department of Critical Care Medicine, University of Alberta (CA).
Dr Silvia DE ROSA. Anaesthesiologist and intensivist, Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, San Bortolo Hospital, Vicenza (IT). NEXT Committee member, ESICM.
Dr Antoine SCHNEIDER. Clinician and researcher at the Adult Intensive Care Unit, Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois (CHUV), Lausanne (CH).