Watch the replay: Improving patient safety webinar

Improving patient safety, now more important than ever
Human Factors is the application of scientific methods to make people safer and perform better. In a clinical setting, it involves an understanding of team works, tasks, equipment, workspace, culture and communication to make healthcare safer for patients and staff, to optimise well-being and improve system performance.
Organised by the ESICM Perioperative Intensive Care (POIC) Section, this free webinar will address ways to perform in high-risk situations, improve your team non-technical skills and strive for zero preventable deaths.
Watch the replay and learn more about the Patient Safety Movement.
The experts
Mr Martin BROMILEY – Founder of the Clinical Human Factors Group, a charitable trust promoting best practice around human factors. His many awards include the Royal College of Anaesthetists Medal and Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (ad hom).
Prof Rhona FLIN – Emeritus Professor at the University of Aberdeen (UK) and Professor of Industrial Psychology at Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen (UK). Current Board member of Step Change in Safety and is a Trustee of the Clinical Human Factors Group.
Prof François JAULIN – Anesthesiologist-intensivist and professor of mathematics. Co-founder and chair of the first French initiative on Human Factors in Healthcare, Facteurs Humains en Santé. Also Co-founder of the first video-simulation training platform SafeTeam Academy.
Dr Yên-Lan NGUYEN – Anesthesiologist and intensivist at Cochin Academic Hospital, University of Paris, Paris (FR). Physician leader in quality and patient safety in anesthesiology, critical care and perioperative medicine, medical-university department.
The Third Draft Global Patient Safety Action Plan 2021-2030
Survey on patient safety culture
Developing a Team Performance Framework For The Intensive Care Unit – Reader TW, Flin R, Mearns K, Cuthbertson BH. Crit Care Med. Mai 2009;37(5):1787 93.
Framework for Observing and Rating Anaesthetists’ Non-Technical Skills – Flin R, Patey R, Glavin R, Maran N. BJA: British Journal of Anaesthesia, Volume 105, Issue 1, July 2010, Pages 38–44.