Biomarkers in sepsis: How to apply in daily clinical practice?

Last updated : 20/08/2021 - 3 views

Biomarkers in sepsis: How to apply in daily clinical practice?

WEBINAR~ November 2016

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Join presenter Pedro Povoa (Portugal) and moderator Jorge Salluh (Brazil) for an interactive webinar "Biomarkers in sepsis: How to apply in daily clinical practice?"


Thursday November 3rd, 2016 from 16.00 to 17.00 hrs (CET)

This novel presentation will answer the following key questions:

  • What are biomarkers and how they appear in clinical practice?
  • What do they measure? And why do they change?
  • How to measure the additional information brought by biomarkers?
  • What is the additional clinical information they can give at the bedside?

Plus, this session will provide some recent examples and registered participants will have an opportunity to ask questions and discuss with the presenters following the presentation.

Registration for this new webinar session is now open:

Webinars are a membership benefit exclusively available for ESICM members.
If you would like to participate, ensure you are an active member now: JOIN or RENEW!

Want to know more about this webinar? If you have any questions related to this upcoming event, or any other webinars, please do not hesitate to contact us at