March 8, 2018

HSRO Section news

VIP2 Study now open

From the HSRO Section


After the very successful Very old Intensive care Patients (VIP1) study last year, the VIP2* study is now open for ICUs to register. Your ICU can now sign up on our webpage:

The VIP2 study’s goal is to create and validate a new score for the VIP, using mainly geriatric assessments and the SOFA score. We would like to assess the following scores in maximum 20 consecutive patients >80 years old who are admitted to your intensive care:

  1. Some demographics at admission
  2. Scores at admission
    1. Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS)
    2. Activity of daily life score (Katz)
    3. Cognitive function (IQCODE)
    4. Co-morbidity (Comorbidity Polypharmacy Score: CPS)
    5. SOFA score (Individual values for each of the 6-organ system)
  3. Common ICU procedures
    1. Invasive Mechanical ventilation (with start date, duration
    2. Vasoactive drugs (NE or E, vasopressin, dopamine is excluded
    3. Renal replacement therapy (with start date and duration)
    4. Non-invasive ventilation (with start date and duration)
    5. Tracheostomy perfomed
    6. ICU length of stay (hours)
    7. Hospital length of stay (days)
    8. Limitation of care (withhold and withdraw), and day after admission with such decision
    9. Withhold treatment
    10. Withdraw treatment
  4. Vital status at 30 days (alive or dead)

If you would like to learn more you can go to the study website ( to read the study protocol and to apply as a participating centre.

The first VIP study was a huge success because 311 ICUs joined us. We hope you will join us again for VIP2!

On behalf of the VIP2 study group, 

Hans Flaatten (

Dylan de Lange (

*The VIP2 study is called POETICS2 in the UK


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