The PneumoINSPIRE study

International Study on NoSocomial Pneumonia in Intensive CaRE
Initiated by the working group on Pneumonia of the ESICM INF Section, the aim of this project is to perform an international multicentre prospective observational cohort study of nosocomial pneumonia in intensive care units (ICUs) worldwide in order to provide up-to-date and comprehensive descriptive data on the diagnosis, microbiology, time course of resolution, management and outcomes in a global ICU population.
All qualified ICUs can apply for participation in the PneumoINSPIRE study which will begin at any time during 2016 provided that the relevant local institutional review board approval is obtained. No maximum site targets will be set. The patient recruitment will be open until July 2017.
Interested in participating? Learn more about PneumoINSPIRE and register your interest on the webpage.