Target Temperature Management Library: Call for Protocols

Last updated : 24/09/2021 - 25 views

Target Temperature Management Library: Call for Protocols

Introducing the TTM Library…

Although Target Temperature Management has potential applications in various ICM settings, recent evidence (Nielsen et al. 2013) has led to debate and questions on the indications for its use. Despite local guidelines, there is no internationally agreed protocol, which is shared amongst the intensive care community.

ESICM with the support of BARD, has decided to embark on a project to:
1) assess actual TTM application worldwide and
2) to create an open-access TTM protocol library. 


In order to improve knowledge sharing, further discussion on TTM practice and create a robust TTM library, we need your help!

Who can participate?

Any clinician using a clinically established TTM protocol for one or more specific indication.

How to get involved?

It's easy… Find the 3 steps (and helpful guidelines) on the TTM Library webpage.

#TTM #trauma #neuro #ESICM