ESICM appointed member of the HERA Civil Society Advisory Forum

Last updated : 21/06/2022 - 3 views

ESICM appointed member of the HERA Civil Society Advisory Forum

Working for a stronger EU Health Union


ESICM is proud to have been appointed a member of the HERA Civil Society Advisory Forum and looks forward to working towards a stronger EU health union bringing ICU professionals into dialogue on EU health emergency preparedness and response

About the HERA Advisory Forum

This group brings together Commission’s Department for Health Emergency Preparedness and Response (HERA) and technically competent bodies in the Member States. It will serve as a platform to exchange information and discuss ideas linked to HERA’s activities as well as be a space for Member States to share their views.

The HERA Advisory Forum will have 2 sub-groups, the Civil Society Forum and the Joint Industrial Cooperation Forum.

Civil Society Forum

The Civil Society Forum will make the interactions between interested parties easier and act as a contact point between HERA and stakeholders representing patients, consumers and healthcare professionals. It will provide views, observations and opinions from civil society stakeholders to the HERA Advisory Forum on matters of health preparedness and response, with a focus on medical countermeasures.

Finally, the Forum will monitor and give its views on research, industrial and policy developments in areas relevant to HERA’s activities.