Join our scientific section meetings…

Last updated : 16/03/2018 - 26 views

Join our scientific section meetings…

March 20-21 in Brussels

We are pleased to invite you to participate in the Spring Section meetings that will be held in Brussels during the 38th ISICEM.

Participating in ESICM’s scientific sections’ activities provides a unique opportunity for all members to be involved in the Society’s life and scientific pursuits. All sections openly welcome new members to join meetings and get involved – if you are interested, contact the Chair or Deputy Chair of the section you wish to join.

Scheduled Meetings


Section Room Schedule
Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) Room 204 March 20, 11h00-12h30
Acute Respiratory Failure (ARF) Room 202 March 20, 14h00-15h30
Cardiovascular Dynamics (CD) Room 202 March 21, 12h30-13h30
Ethics (ETH) Room 204 March 20, 12h30-14h00
Health Services Research and Outcomes (HSRO) Room 204 March 20, 14h00-15h00
Infection (INF) Room 202 March 21, 14h00-15h30
Metabolism, Endocrinology, Nutrition (MEN) Room 202 March 21, 11h00-12h00
Neuro-Intensive Care (NIC) Room 204 March 21, 12h30-13h30
Perioperative Intensive Care (POIC) Room 202 March 20, 12h15-13h15
Systematic Inflammation and Sepsis (SIS) Room 202 March 21, 08h30-10h30
Trauma and Emergency Medicine (TEM) Room 202 March 20, 15h30-16h30
Working Group Translational Biology Room 202 March 21, 17h00-18h30
Working Group PLUG Room 204 March 21, 17h00-18h00




Square – Brussels Meeting Centre
Rue Mont des Arts (Glass Entrance)
1000 Brussels, Belgium

Note that in order to access the ESICM meeting rooms within Square, you will need to wear a badge*.

*Badges to Access Meetings

If you are registered for the ISICEM congress (faculty and delegates), you will receive an ISICEM badge, which allows full access throughout the building, including the meeting rooms.

Delegates who are only attending business meetings will require a visitor’s badge.

For security reasons, ISICEM organisers require all visitors and exhibitors to personally register at the ISICEM registration desk and pay on site for their badges. This means that ESICM cannot register visitors or pay in advance for visitors’ badges for our business meetings.

The cost of the badge is €65 for access to the business meetings (and exhibition) only. The badge can be used for more than one day, but only for business meetings. Payment can be made by credit card.

In order to be reimbursed by ESICM, delegates should contact in order to receive the reimbursement form.