General Intensive Care Ultrasound (GenIUS)

Last updated : 02/12/2024 - 780 views

Format: Pre-congress course, LIVES 2024 (Barcelona, Spain)
Dates: 05-06 October 2024

The ESICM General Intensive Care Ultrasound (GENIUS) course is a comprehensive, learner-centric course which aims to support physicians in achieving the competencies described in the published ESICM guidelines on ultrasound competencies.

The two-day training programme will offer theoretical insights, hands-on learning and case discussions with experts in critical care ultrasound. There will be ample opportunities to discuss and interact with colleagues who share a passion for critical care ultrasound, building learning as well as research networks.

As a participant – you still have access to the virtual classroom on the ESICM ACADEMY



Laura GALARZA MD, Consultant Intensive Care Medicine at General University Hospital Castellón, Spain

Adrian WONG MD, Consultant Intensive Care Medicine and Anaesthesia at King’s College Hospital, United Kingdom

  • Echocardiography: Describe, perform and interpret transthoracic cardiac ultrasound for the recognition and assessment of common conditions and clinical syndromes
  • Thoracic: Describe, perform and interpret thoracic and pleural ultrasound
  • Abdominal: Describe, perform and interpret ultrasonographic assessment of the abdomen
  • Neuro: Describe, perform and interpret basic neuro ultrasonography
  • Vascular: Describe, perform and interpret basic vascular ultrasonography
  • Integrate these individual modalities for a holistic assessment of the critically unwell patient
Key Reasons to attend
  • Up-to-date discussions on the topic
  • Interactive lectures with lots of hands-on
  • Opportunities to interact and share experiences among participants and with the team of international experts that will be facilitating the course
Programme Content
  • Focused ultrasound examination of the heart, lung, abdomen and neuro
  • Hands-on scanning with expert faculty to consolidate learning
  • Interactive case-based discussions, pathology quizzes and simulators
  • Juniors physicians with an ICU background wishing to acquire or improve their core critical care ultrasound core competencies
  • Senior intensivists seeking a refresher training programme in the field

An application will be made to the UEMS EACCME® for CME accreditation of this event.