Op-ed: Now is the time to deliver concrete results and to embrace a European Health Union

Last updated : 26/03/2021 - 2 views

Op-ed: Now is the time to deliver concrete results and to embrace a European Health Union

Read the President’s editorial on Euractiv


Even before this public health emergency, ESICM has been advocating for the importance of improving the standards of care for patients by facilitating intensivists’ free movement across EU countries. The primary objective of this free movement is to explore paths for intensivists to freely operate within the EU, sharing knowledge and competencies and improving the standards of care.

In this editorial, ESICM President Maurizio Cecconi details our commitment to finding a structured, flexible and long-term solution in the patients’ best interest.

The recognition of Intensive Care Medicine as a profession able to move without restrictions in the EU would lay down the base of the future EU Health Union, providing European Intensivists ready to be mobilised and to apply their competencies across the EU, especially, but not only, in times of crisis where an immediate response is vital.

It is crucial that the EU takes the lead to guarantee our resilience in future health crises, now is the time to show a true political will and to act in a better synergy towards the establishment of a functional European Health Union.