Nutrition Pathway

Last updated : 17/12/2024 - 195 views

Programme Directors

  • Carole BOULANGER – ACCP/RN, Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom, N&AHP Committee, ESICM
  • Michael CASAER – MD, PhD, Intensive Care Medicine Department – Burn Centre Laboratory of Intensive Care Medicine, CMM University Hospitals Leuven, Catholic University Leuven, Chair of the Feeding, Rehabilitation, Endocrinology & Metabolism (FREM) Section, ESICM
  • Stefan SCHALLER – MD, MHBA Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany, Chair of the NEXT Committee, ESICM

Registrations closed. Selected participants will be notified by early May 2022.

Pathway beneficiaries may access the dedicated online classroom available on the ESICM Academy. Please note that ONLY selected beneficiaries can access the dedicated classroom.


The Nutrition Pathway will support intensive care doctors, nurses and allied health care professionals (N&AHPs) in their efforts of continuous professional development, undertaken to provide appropriate care to their patients.

In a disrupted normality induced by the COVID-19 pandemic, where intensive care personnel is heavily challenged, the current programme will support a total of 80 health care professionals (HCPs) in their quest to learn and improve their practice with the final aim of improved clinical performance and better patient outcome.

Moreover, the current programme will support the mobility of the Intensive Care workforce and best practice exchange, the foundation to a healthcare army that can support and attend to the health needs of the society.


The programme will combine knowledge and skills retention through formal and bedside training to boost continuous professional development and better patient care. Moreover, it will combine training and research to help continuous progress in the field and better future clinical performance.

Programme content

  • Importance of Feeding
  • Understanding Nutrition research
  • Nutritional Assessment
  • Nutritional Targets
  • Nutritional Therapy
  • Enteral Nutrition
  • Parenteral Nutrition
  • Monitoring and Complications
  • Protocols
  • Quality improvement and knowledge transfer to the bedside

Programme components

  • Promotional Webinar (April 12, 2022)
  • 2-day live digital course on the topics enlisted above (June 13-14, 2022)
  • Fellowships: The best scoring 20 participants will benefit from a one-week fellowship in 2022 with an equitable distribution between doctors and N&AHPs. Travel and accommodation costs up to 1000 € will be covered by the programme.
  • Live digital tutorial sessions before fellowships (June 14, 2022)
  • Live digital tutorial sessions after fellowships (day to be confirmed)
  • Competition for the best research proposal. The competition consists of 2 phases:


  • Launch of abstracts (June 15, 2022)
  • Deadline abstract submission (July 4, 2022)
  • Notification winners/invite full research proposal (July 20, 2022)


  • Deadline research submission (September 29, 2022)
  • Notification winners and research awards: during LIVES in Paris (October 22-26, 2022). The prize for each awardee is 5000 €

This Educational Pathway targets intensive care doctors, nurses and allied health care professionals (N&AHPs) with high interest in patient nutrition in intensive care.

Eligibility & Application

To apply for the Nutrition Pathway, you should be:

  • ESICM member
  • intensive care doctor, nurse or allied health care professional with a high interest in patient nutrition in intensive care
  • willing to improve your knowledge and skills in the field

The application process is open until April 18. 

Soon after, all applications will be evaluated by a group of experts, and a total of 80 healthcare professionals (50% intensive care doctors and 50% N&AHPs) will be selected to participate in the pathway. The programme is FREE of charge.


Certificates of achievement with a maximum of 11 CME credits will be provided to those who complete the full training programme.


Thanks to the unrestricted educational grant from Fresenius Kabi.

Further questions? Contact us at