Replay available: too much pressure on mechanical ventilation?

Last updated : 29/10/2021 - 15 views

Replay available: too much pressure on mechanical ventilation?

The Roman physician Galen was the first to use mechanical breathing in the second century by blowing air into the larynx of a dead animal using a reed.

Nowadays, the need for mechanical ventilation is a common feature of the patient requiring admission to the ICU.

This free webinar reviewed which pressures to monitor in mechanically ventilated patients as well as future directions.


Join this webinar to learn more about:

• the physiology behind the use of transpulmonary pressures to guide mechanical ventilation
• the most important pressure to monitor in mechanically ventilated patients
• how to manage mechanical ventilation according to these pressures.


Prof Alexandre DEMOULE
Sorbonne University Medical Centre; La Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital, Paris (FR) 
Seven pressures to monitor during mechanical ventilation

Prof Luciano GATTINONI
University of Göttingen (DE). Past President, ESICM
Three recent major advances in the monitoring of VILI

Prof Daniel TALMOR
Harvard Medical Center; Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston (US)
How I (and why) … monitor transpulmonary pressure


Université de Paris; Hopital européen Georges Pompidou, Paris (FR)

Hospital General Universitario, Castellón (ES); Chair-Elect, ESICM NEXT Committee

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