Prehospital assessment of battlefield injuries & haemorrhagic shock management

Last updated : 14/04/2022 - 8 views

Prehospital assessment of battlefield injuries & haemorrhagic shock management

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Under the ALIVE Solidarity initiative, we continue to provide support to those impacted by the war with interactive sessions with military and civilian doctors who will give practical recommendations on how to care for patients suffering from war-related trauma injuries. These free webinars are open to all healthcare professionals, especially those in Ukraine and neighbouring countries who compassionately receive and care for those wounded in the conflict.

Topics & Experts

“Prehospital assessment of battlefield injuries”
Dr Claire PARK
Consultant in Prehospital Care with London’s Air Ambulance (UK). She has 19 years of military experience, including numerous operational deployments, and has been the Clinical Governance Lead for the Medical Emergency Response Team.

“Haemorrhagic shock”
General Sylvain AUSSET
Director, Lyon-Bron Army Medical School (FR). He was deployed as a unit doctor in the former Yugoslavia in 1995, as head doctor of the Bardaï clinic in Chad in 1997, as an anesthesiologist-resuscitator in the Medical-Surgical Group of Operation Trident in Kosovo in 2004 and 2006, and as an anesthesiologist-resuscitator in the medical-surgical hospital of the Kabul International Airport in Afghanistan in 2010.


Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust (UK).

Dr Rajnish Saha
The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust, Harlow (UK).