Practical microbiology diagnosis and management of blood stream infections/sepsis in ICU

Last updated : 31/03/2022 - 17 views

Practical microbiology diagnosis and management of blood stream infections/sepsis in ICU

Join us today, 31 March, 15:30 – 17:00 CEST

The early administration of appropriate empiric therapy is fundamental to avoid undertreatment of seriously ill, septic patients. However, broad-spectrum therapy is given far more often than can be justified by culture results, and inappropriate antimicrobial prescribing is a significant driver of increased antimicrobial resistance.

New diagnostic tests that rapidly identify common pathogens and detect crucial resistance mechanisms provide brand-new opportunities to quickly administer targeted and highly effective antibiotic therapy.

This live interactive session will call for your direct participation: you will be engaged in discussion during the lecture and your input will be asked during the clinical case demonstration. The session has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 1 European CME credit (ECMEC®s).

Learning Outcomes

  • Discuss the diagnostic and therapeutic challenges in severely infected critically ill patients.
  • Be aware of molecular fast identification methods existing.
  • Understand the role and clinical implementation of fast diagnosis and antimicrobial stewardship.


EVGENIDIO Hospital, Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (GR).

Hospital Universitario y Politécnico la Fe Valencia (ES) 

Hygeia General Hospital-Athens (GR)