Replay available: lessons from COVID-19 experience for the management of (non-viral) sepsis

The inflammatory response that can initiate SARS COV-2 infection can result in septic shock or multi-organ failure. This clinical landscape resembles that of sepsis caused by other pathogens.
However, the management of COVID-19 infection has produced knowledge and experience to address these sepsis-like situations. Notably, new therapeutic results have been reported for the treatment of COVID-19, which raises the question of whether their use can be extended to other infections.
Our expert panel will address the matter in this free webinar organised by the Infection and Systemic Inflammation & Sepsis ESICM Sections.
Learning Outcomes:
- To gain an overview of the dysregulated immune response in COVID-19 similar to that of sepsis.
- To identify and evaluate similarities and differences in the immune response to COVID-19 and sepsis.
- To summarise new therapeutic findings for COVID-19.
- To evaluate the possibility of using treatments for COVID-19 also for other infections.
Topics and Experts:
“Immune response in sepsis and COVID-19: analogies and differences“
Prof Massimo GIRARDIS
University Hospital of Modena (IT).
Chair, ESICM Systemic Inflammation and Sepsis Section.
“Can we translate therapeutic findings from COVID-19 to other infections?”
Prof Charlotte SUMMERS
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (UK).
Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge, (UK).
Chair, ESICM Infection Section.