Endotracheal intubation of the haemodynamically unstable trauma patient

Join us today, 24 January, 16:00 – 17:00 CET
The gold standard in the treatment of trauma patients is airway control by endotracheal intubation. This life-saving procedure reduces mortality in most trauma patients.
However, the clinical complexity of trauma patients requires careful evaluation to determine whether the patient will benefit from the intubation procedure.
These issues and strategies to improve the intubation process, such as appropriate algorithms and checklists, will be discussed with experts in this webinar.
Learning Outcomes:
- Learn how to identify the trauma patients that need to be intubated in prehospital settings;
- Discuss the algorithms and checklists as strategies to improve the intubation process;
- Identify safety indicators to use ketamine in patients presenting traumatic brain injury.
Topics and Experts:
“Which trauma patients should be and which should not be intubated in the pre-hospital or ED setting?”
North Bristol NHS and London HEM (UK).
“Improving the pre-hospital intubation process using an algorithm and checklist”
Helsinki University Hospital and University of Helsinki (FI).
“Is ketamine safe for the trauma patient with TBI?”
UZ Leuven & University of Leuven (BE).
Chair, ESICM Trauma & Emergency Medicine (TEM) Section.
Chiara ROBBA
Chair, ESICM Neuro-Intensive Care (NIC) Section.