Early vasopressor initiation in sepsis

Last updated : 13/12/2022 - 62 views

Early vasopressor initiation in sepsis

Join us today, 13 December, 16:00 – 17:00 CET


Despite important therapeutic advances, septic shock remains a major challenge associated with 30% to 40% of hospital mortality worldwide. Vasopressor therapy is a fundamental treatment of septic shock-induced hypotension as it aims at correcting vascular tone depression and improving organ perfusion pressure.

Further studies are likely needed to define the benefits of their use in ICUs, and our expert panel will discuss the latest developments in this area.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Define and understand vasoplegia and the use of norepinephrine in vasoplegic shock.
  • Define and understand the refractory and non-refractory septic shock and the use of vasopressin drugs for their early treatment.
  • Discuss the controversies in using vasopressors very early in septic shock.

Topics and Experts:

“First-line norepinephrine in vasoplegic shock”
CHIREC Hospitals (BE). ESICM Past-President.

“Early vasopressin in refractory and non-refractory septic shock”
Pierre ASFAR
University Hospital Angers (FR).


Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou (HEGP), Paris (FR).

Michelle CHEW
Linköping University Hospital (SE).


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