Data Driven Patient Safety

Last updated : 11/12/2023 - 33 views

Data Driven Patient Safety

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Quality of care and patient safety are the common goals of all healthcare providers. Healthcare systems continuously make a lot of efforts to improve the quality of care and patient safety. Recently the healthcare community has highlighted the importance and the necessity of developing a data-driven approach for the improvement in safety and quality of patient care.

The patient data collection and further analysis via machine learning or other artificial intelligence will facilitate improved healthcare delivery for patients and the general public. The Intensive Care Units (ICUs) are the units where the most patient data can be collected. To learn how to include these ICU patient data in data-driven technologies and how this will improve patient safety in the ICU, follow the experts’ discussion.

Aims & Objectives

  • To discuss whether our ICUs are safe
  • To learn which are a few simple metrics for delivering safe mechanical ventilation
  • To learn how to use data to predict the risk state of ICU

Topics & Speakers 

“Are our ICUs Safe?
Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid (SP). 

“Simple metrics for delivering safe mechanical ventilation”
University of Padua (IT)

“Using data to predict the risk state of ICU”
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School (US)


St-Louis University Hospital, Paris (FR). ESICM President


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