Beta blockers in ICU: pros & cons

Last updated : 22/04/2022 - 55 views

Beta blockers in ICU: pros & cons

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Septic shock is characterised by continuous sympathetic stimulation, which beta-blockers can reduce, alleviating the effects of septic shock, thereby improving patient outcomes. Conversely, the use of beta-blockers in sepsis could be dangerous.

Many patients with septic shock are given beta-agonists such as vasopressors and inotropic infusions. However, this treatment could aggravate hypotension and bradycardia, exacerbating shock in these patients.

Further studies are likely needed to define the benefits of their use in ICUs, and our expert panel discussed the latest developments in this area.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understanding the pathophysiology of septic cardiomyopathy in association with detrimental effects of high doses of vasopressors.
  • Discuss the experimental evidence for a potential beneficiary role of beta blockers.
  • Describe the clinical panorama of beta-blockers side effects in critically ill patients & how to manage them.

Topics and Experts:

“Sepsis-induced cardiomyopathy: rationale for beta blockers”
University Hospital of Alexandroupolis (GR).

“Unexpected side effects of beta blockers in the critically ill: how to manage them” 
Prof Daniel DE BACKER
CHIREC Hospitals (BE). ESICM Past-President.

Prof Mervyn SINGER
University College London (UK).

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