COVID-19: block or boost the immune response

Last updated : 16/07/2021 - 16 views

COVID-19: block or boost the immune response

Replay available


Organised by the ESICM Systemic Inflammation and Sepsis (SIS) Section, this free webinar provided an overview of what we know so far about immune response to COVID-19 and directions for future clinical trials.

Learning Outcomes:

Upon attendance of the webinar, you will know more about:

• Current state-of-the-art knowledge on the host immune response to COVID-19
• Role of relevant phenotypic differences in therapeutic intervention
• Impact on outcomes in clinical trials and subset differences – known knowns, known unknowns etc.

The Experts:


Consultant in Intensive Care Medicine, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London (UK). NIHR Clinician Scientist and Professor in Critical Care Medicine, King’s College London (UK).

Prof Mervyn SINGER
Professor of Intensive Care Medicine, Director, Centre for Intensive Care Medicine, Department of Medicine & Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research, University College London (UK).


Dr Ricard FERRER
Department Head of Intensive Care, Vall d’Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona (ES). Chair, ESICM Systemic Inflammation and Sepsis (SIS) Section.