New article on oesophageal and transpulmonary pressure from PLUG

Utilising Pes at the bedside
The PLeUral pressure working Group (PLUG) — from ESICM’s Acute Respiratory Failure section has published a new review focused on oesophageal pressure (Pes) in the clinical setting in Intensive Care Medicine’s ONLINE FIRST. This review covers the relevant technical, physiological and clinical details that support the clinical utility of Pes and includes case-scenarios in which oesophageal and transpulmonary pressure monitoring could be of help at the bedside.
Read this article in ICM:
Tommaso Mauri, Takeshi Yoshida, Giacomo Bellani, Ewan C. Goligher, Guillaume Carteaux,
Nuttapol Rittayamai, Francesco Mojoli, Davide Chiumello, Lise Piquilloud, Salvatore Grasso,
Amal Jubran, Franco Laghi, Sheldon Magder, Antonio Pesenti, Stephen Loring, Luciano Gattinoni,
Daniel Talmor, Lluis Blanch, Marcelo Amato, Lu Chen, Laurent Brochard, Jordi Mancebo and the PLeUral pressure working Group (PLUG—Acute Respiratory Failure section of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine).