May 18, 2021

Replay key thematic sessions

ESICM Media Library: browse thematic sessions


If you are an ESICM member, you have free access to all the content of the ESICM Media Library, our resource platform where you can replay or discover past webinars and congress’s sessions. 

This month, we suggest you check out some of our past sessions curated by the Ethics Section, including:

  • C. Hartog interviews D. Cook on new paradigm for patient- and family-centered care
  • Ethical issues: doing it right or not
  • Recognising human factors
  • Advance directives in and before ICU
  • Organ donation opt-in or opt out
  • …and many more!

You can search for lectures by title, author or session type.

Browse the Media Library to replay or discover the content that best suits your needs and keep learning!

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