LIVES Forum 2018 brings European intensivists together in Madrid

LIVES Forum 2018 brings European intensivists together in Madrid
MADRID (Thursday, May 3, 2018). The Spanish capital Madrid hosts LIVES Forum 2018, a three day conference in which physicians and allied healthcare professionals from all over Europe come together to discuss and share most up to date research and practice on one of the key areas of intensive care medicine – acute respiratory failure monitoring (ARF).
In this session, international experts will cover different points of view on ARF monitoring with theoretical presentations and practical workshops. This serves as a good preamble to one of the topics that will be addressed at the National Congress of SEMICYUC, which will be held next June in Granada, where related topics such as the management of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome will be discussed. Sessions will focus on the use of ultrasound in the management of the critical patient, as well the indication of extracorporeal oxygenation support techniques in acute respiratory failure.
“Acute respiratory failure and ventilatory support is one of the main reasons for admission to intensive care units. This meeting of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM) in Madrid addresses how to optimise the treatment of these patients with all the new technologies available. These new technologies allow, in most cases, to adapt the treatment non-invasively at the bedside,” says Ricard Ferrer, Vice President of SEMICYUC and Spanish representative of ESICM.
One of the main concerns of practitioners of intensive medicine at the European level is how to guarantee the continuous training and skills of professionals at a time when economic funding is under pressure. Online training combined with face-to-face training focused on the most practical and interactive aspects is seen as the mostly likely successful strategy for intensivists and ICU professionals in the future.
LIVES Forum 2018 will deal with all these topics through theoretical sessions, practical workshops and focus on the latest research. The programme has been developed jointly by the Section of Acute Respiratory Failure (ARF) of ESICM, the Working Group of Pleural Pressure (PLUG) and the SEMICYUC. “LIVES Forum will include both summaries and practical work stations, offering delegates a complete experience, from the most innovative research to more practical aspects. We have put together a great combination of elements: We have world experts who will bring their experience and passion for the issues we hope you will share with us. With this unique formula we hope to create a very interactive meeting. We are confident that you can make the most of this innovative conference and use this knowledge to improve patient outcomes,” says Maurizio Cecconi, Chair of Scientific Affairs at ESICM.
The Spanish Society of Critical Intensive Medicine and Coronary Units (SEMICYUC) will be present throughout the meeting with a representation of more than a dozen expert doctors who will participate actively in all sessions.
“We are very proud that the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM) has opted to join with SEMICYUC to celebrate this international conference. The presence of Spanish intensivists in this scientific society, and specifically the celebration of the conference in Madrid, provides added visibility to Spanish intensive care medicine. We are confident that it will be an opportunity to share knowledge and foster relationships between professionals from different countries,” says María Cruz Martín Delgado, president of SEMICYUC.
Register for this top conference on ARF Monitoring ON SITE 3-5 May 2018 at Hotel Meliá Castilla in Madrid. Find out all the details here:
About the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine
The European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM) is an international association of members. Founded in 1982, ESICM focuses on the support and promotion of the advancement of knowledge in intensive care medicine, in particular in fostering the highest standards of multidisciplinary care of critically ill patients and their families through education, research and professional development.
The Spanish Society of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine and Coronary Units (SEMICYUC) was created in 1971 as a scientific, multidisciplinary and educational association. It is formed mainly by medical specialists in intensive care medicine, with the mission of promoting improvement in the care of critically ill patients. For more than thirty years the number of members has been increasing, to date with more than 2,600, and various working groups and research projects have been created and developed that have been building the basis of SEMICYUC. The Society works closely with the different autonomous societies, with which it shares mission and objectives.
Facebook: SEMICYUC
Twitter: @semicyuc
Related article / media coverage:
Dr. Ferrer: “Más de la mitad de los hospitales tienen su código sepsis. Se extiende como una gota de aceite”. Sanidad; published 15 May, 2018 (Spanish)