Take a pic at LIVES 2024 & win a free entry to one of our courses in 2025!

Last updated : 05/10/2024 - 2219 views

Take a pic at LIVES 2024 & win a free entry to one of our courses in 2025!

Participate in our congress photo challenge!

Beyond our scientific and educational offering, LIVES 2024 is all about you, the ICU community!

Share your congress experience on Twitter and get the chance to win a free entry to one of our educational courses in 2025.

How to participate in the challenge

• Visit the ICM Journal / N&AHP / Academy Lounge

• Take a picture with the official photo frame, alone or with your friends and colleagues – the more, the merrier!

• Post the picture on Twitter, including the hashtag #LIVES2024 and mentioning @ESICM.

• For each day of the congress (Monday 7, Tuesday 8 and Wednesday 9 October), we will select the top 3 pictures with the most likes.

Please note: only the authors of the selected Twitter posts will receive free entry to an ESICM education course of their choice in 2025.

We look forward to checking out your congress memories!